Course Master List

Course names are hyperlinked to the description of the course on the department page.

Special Education

0510 Reading

0520 Physical Science

0582 Health

0540 World History

0541 US History

0547/0548 Government/Economics

0501 English 1

0502 English 2

0503 English 3

0504 English 4

0523 Biology

0533 Algebra1A

0534 Algebra1B

0591 Special Ed. Asst. Sem. 1

0592 Special Ed. Asst. Sem. 2

0528 Environmental Science

0535 Geometry

0561 Life Skills

0536 Algebra 2

Administrative Programs

3003 Build. Tech. Asst. Sem. 1

3004 Build. Tech. Asst. Sem. 2

9601 Guidance Asst. Sem. 1

9602 Guidance Asst. Sem. 2

9603 Office Aide Sem. 1

9604 Office Aide Sem. 2

9809 Freshmen Class

9810 Sophomore Class

9811 Junior Class

9812 Senior Class

9990 Study Hall (Office Use Only)

9991 Lunch 1st Semester

9992 Lunch 2nd Semester

CAIntern Professional/Career/Service Intership Program

TESOL Teaching English to Students of Other Languages