Hi! My name is Hilary Karpoff. This is my third school year teaching at Bradley Beach Elementary School. I spent the first years of my teaching career as a classroom ESL and push-in ESL teacher at Red Bank Middle School. Prior to becoming a teacher, I worked in marketing and public relations. I graduated with a B.A. from the University of Delaware and with my MAT from Monmouth University. I am so excited to be back at BBES this year and working with my amazing students!

This year, in addition to being the middle school ESL/MLL teacher, I will be teaching the AVID Elective class. I believe in the mission of AVID and know that this program will help our students reach their future college and career goals!

I live nearby, so you may see me around town with my 13 year old dog Bear or walking the boardwalk. Please say hi if you see me!

Hilary Karpoff

email: hkarpoff@bbesnj.org

school phone: 732-775-4413

Remind: https://www.remind.com/join/mskarpoff

Bear loves BBES!