Mrs. Perryman

Welcome to 8th Grade! The information on this site will help you have a successful year in my class, and will be the location of assigned homework, special projects, and important deadlines. Please visit the class site often as information may change, and it is students' responsibility to keep up with important dates and assignments. Welcome to my class - I am excited for a GREAT year!

Attention English Classes:

Please see the following resources for additional study guide work for Monday's Final Exam.

Study Guide - Final.docx
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost _ Poetry Foundation.pdf
17-18 master calendar (list).pdf


● Come to class on time and prepared with supplies and homework assignments.

● Respect classmates, teachers, staff and parents.

● Polite manners, cooperative skills and positive attitude required.

● Follow rules and teacher instructions the first time.

● Use active listening skills.

● Think before you act or speak.

● Take responsibility for your own learning. This includes writing down

assignments, completing make-up work and giving all assignments 100% effort.

● Complete assignments and turn them in by deadlines.

● Ask for help when you need it.

● Do not argue with teachers regarding expectations, assignments, deadlines, or grades. Communicate respectfully and appropriately at all times.