Our Stories

Huge Success

April 17, 2020

We are completing this campaign with a total of 790 meals delivered to the healthcare workers in 9 different hospitals over the course of two weeks. We raised a total of $7,173.32 ($3,331 from Facebook fundraiser) in just about 4 days and spent $7,307.50 during the campaign period--we’ve overspent by $134.18.

Many of our partner restaurants joined us to support the cause and donated their meals or voluntarily offered us a meaningful discount. We paid for 530 meals at $13.79 per serving on average, healthy meals that could easily cost up to $20 per serving in normal days.

While these numbers look great, they are still not enough to fully describe the inspirational, invigorating experiences we’ve all had for the last couple of weeks. Here’s one quote of several thank-you notes we received:

“I want to extend my sincere thanks to you and the Bay Area K Group for the generous lunch donation. Our team of anesthesiologists, surgeons, nurses, and technicians has been working non-stop to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate your recognition, and we will continue to fulfill our mission with full stomachs and full hearts!”

As mentioned before, we are committed to keeping this great momentum. The 2nd campaign will begin this weekend with the goal to provide the healthcare workers with more sustainable meal support. We will also try to expand our help for more beneficiaries, such as seniors in our community who are now more isolated or special needs families with no more regular lunch programs they can rely on.

Again, thank you very much for your warm support that made all of this happen.

And please stay tuned! :)


Bay Area K Group

1st week

April 11, 2020

We raised a total of $7,173.32 ($3,331 from Facebook fundraiser) in just about 4 days, and spent $4,083.37 to make 280 meals to 5 hospitals in the 1st week. We also connected a couple of local businesses with hospitals, and they donated additional 160 meals and 100 skincare products for tired healthcare workers.

The healthcare workers appreciate a meal at lunch and at dinner to cover separate shifts, particularly the overnight shift, because most of the cafeteria in the hospitals are closed after 7pm (Some at 5pm) on certain days. We also hear from them that any support like this surely helps the team boost the spirits in these trying times. So, thank you all for your warm support to make this happen!

COVID-19 will certainly last longer than just a week and our effort will continue. Along with more deliveries scheduled next week, we will soon start another campaign to scale up this effort, and help more healthcare workers and local businesses in more sustainable ways. So, please stay tuned!


Bay Area K Group

PS 1) For all fighting COVID-19 at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center (Santa Clara, Oakland, Cupertino), Regional Medical Center, and Washington Hospital

PS 2) Special thanks to our voluntary donors: Joshua Kim and the team from Paris Baguette Fremont (bit.ly/3a31hOX), Chef Jin and the team from Tapas Tokki (tapastokki.com), and Respekt (bit.ly/34u8QwG) a SF-based skincare company.

PS 3) Partner restaurants: Korean Palace (korean-palace.com), K-Star (kstarfood.com), Dokkaebier (enjoydkb.com), Ohgane Oakland (bit.ly/2XsDWTX)

2nd delivery

April 6, 2020

2nd Delivery Completed!

50 lunch boxes along with 60 pastries are delivered to the healthcare workers at ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center today.

We’re still just starting! There are three more deliveries (150+ meals) scheduled this week that we directly support along with two more deliveries (100+ meals and others) by other vendors that we’ve connected to ICUs at two different hospitals. We will post the next update at the end of this week after all the deliveries for this week are completed.

Again, thank you for your support. We will make sure to turn every penny you have shared with us into meaningful meals to help our local healthcare workers fighting COVID-19. Thank you and stay tuned!

* Special thanks to Joshua Kim the owner of multiple Paris Baguette branches in the Bay Area, who voluntarily donated 60 pastries independently.

* Lunch boxes are from Dokkaebier (www.enjoydkb.com)


Bay Area K Group

1st delivery

April 3, 2020

We delivered 30 lunch boxes for the healthcare workers at Kaiser Permanente Cupertino branch yesterday. They sent the pictures as attached with the thank-you note within. It says “Bay Area K Group,” but it really is to you all who willingly helped and supported.

So, thank YOU.

This is just the first step. There are three more deliveries (150+ meals) scheduled next week to the healthcare workers in two different hospitals (ICU: Intensive Care Unit) in the Bay Area. We will keep you all updated with the delivery status through our Facebook Page (https://bit.ly/2x1kv9Z) going forward.

Our hope is to make this recurring and expand to help more healthcare workers with more local restaurants. So, stay tuned!


Bay Area K Group