Dressing Down

  • Each student is required to wear DIFFERENT clothes than what they wore to school. Students must purchase their own PE shirt from the front office ($6) and can wear any type of active wear (shorts, sweats, leggings) for their bottoms.

  • If they forget their school-issued shirt, they can bring a back-up to use but will not receive full credit for that day. If there are extenuating circumstances in which a student has a difficult time dressing down, remembering clothes, or isn’t able to wash them very often- please let us know and we can help make accommodations.

  • Students will be expected to dress down on the 2nd day of class. There are lockers in the locker room for students to store their PE clothes. They may not being their own locks. They will be allowed to pick a friend to share a locker with and will be responsible for remembering their code, learning how to open the locker by themselves, and for locking up their belongings while class is in session.

  • ORDERING SHIRTS: Shirts are ordered in the main office. You must pay $6- cash or check (made out to Pleasant Valley Middle School). Teachers will not take any money for the PE shirt. They just pay the office!! If your child wants an extra shirt, they may have to wait for an additional amount of time - as we only order one per student and have to order in advance.

  • If your family can’t afford to buy a shirt, email the teacher and/or have your child talk to us, and we will give them a clean, used shirt to use for the semester.