Maple Grove Primary

The Why: We want ALL of our students at MGP to be able to continue growing in both their academics and their social-emotional development during this time of learning remotely. By providing our students with an academic schedule that includes both synchronous and asynchronous learning times, we will engage each student in rigorous, appropriately-leveled learning experiences. We are committed to and connected with our students and families during this unprecedented time in education.

PARENTS: Please complete the MGP Student Support Request if your child is struggling in any one of the following areas:

  1. Social Emotional (anxiety, depression, behavioral concerns, etc.)

  2. Accessing Need (computer access, school supplies, food, transportation)

  3. Academic Concerns (organizational concerns, study skills, specific content)


Speech/Occupational Therapy

MG Office


Mrs. Sperry

Extension 6701

Mr. Ziegler

Extension 6702