Mrs. Eiseman's

Classroom Connections

Hello Families of River HomeLink,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!!

Use the following links to find the informational webpages.

Thank you!

Follow this link to access all things that relate to our STEMLink 5/6 class.

Use the SignUp button to sign up for your 23-24 Orientation spot.  Orientation dates are 8/30/23, 8/31/23 and 9/1/23.

6th Grade Math

Follow this link to access all things that relate to our 6th Grade Math Class.

Follow this link to access Mrs. Alexander's Website. 

Welcome Students and Families!

I am so excited to be partnering with you again this year in STEMLink 5/6 and 6th Grade Math.  This is my class information website.  Please check back often to see what's new. Across the top of this page you will see direct links to my Math and STEMLink Parent information pages.

On these class connection pages for Math and STEMLink, parents will find the weekly messages for each class.  The weekly messages include learning goals, assignments and upcoming scheduling details.  You will also find sub-pages with conferencing/partnership information and Resource pages.

The best way to reach me is by email.    

My contact information: 


Please refer to the weekly schedule