Mrs. Boysen's


Welcome to Mrs. Boysen's classroom:)

I am so excited to be teaching your children!  I have been a homeschooling mom for over 20 years and now I am a licensed teacher. I love being at River HomeLink!  It combines two of my greatest loves:  teaching and homeschooling.  What a privilege it is to partner with you as we, as a class, study math, science, and reading support.  I love the opportunity these classes give us all a chance to explore, create, wonder, question, learn, and grow together.  It is my goal to make the learning fun and engaging as well as educational.  I know with your help that we can make it a wonderful year for your child!

As the year goes on, I will use this website to post resources to help make each of these subjects more understandable and enjoyable.  The resources will be listed under the classroom tabs above.  Some websites will also be listed in Google Classroom under your child's email account.  

You will find general information links on this page. The links will include the bell schedule, classroom information, Skyward access, and more!

We will also use this website to post our weekly updates for each of the classes (their individual newsletters will be listed on the subject pages).  I encourage you to visit here (and in the classroom) often! 

Click on the picture below for the information you need!

Meet the Teacher

Classroom Information 

Academic Calendar 


RHL Contact Information

Skyward Family Access

Teacher Wish List

River HomeLink Website: specifically the program description page. Can access all of website from this page.

RHL Bell Schedules

River HomeLink PTO:  This is the PTO's official website.  It lists their monthly school events, fundraising opportunities, community outreach, provides a link to buy RHL spirit wear clothes and to join the PTO, and allows you to pay for fees such as Kinder, 8th, and 12th grade graduations. It is an incredibly helpful site!

Character Strong is our school wide program where we work together to build character strengths related to honesty, kindness, and strength (resiliency and courage).  Their website has amazing videos, coloring pages, activity ideas, and teaching ideas to build strong characters traits. This is designed to help us to foster an environment where all of us can live up to RHL's values of respect, honesty, and leading with compassion. It is an incredible program!

State Learning Standards for each grade and subject.

Homeschooling Laws and Regulations for Washington State.

Evan Moor is a great resource for finding books for practicing important skills in every subject.  I use it to supplement my class instruction.  We also use many of their resources as part of the curriculum we give families at RHL so be sure to ask before you decide to purchase!

Cathy Duffy Reviews: Resources to review different homeschooling curriculums, secular and non-secular. For River HomeLink state law, non-religious curriculum is required. This is a great resource for seeing different options and getting an in-depth view of each one.  I found some of my favorite homeschool curriculum using this site.