
REceptive & Expressive language

Receptive language is being able to understand language. It includes listening, comprehension, and reading capabilities. Understanding language helps us follow directions, understand messages, and know vocabulary.

Example: Pointing to named pictures. "Touch the dog."

Expressive language is being able to use language. It includes speaking and writing. We use language to make our wants and needs known, tell stories, reject something, ask questions, greet others, and take turns in conversation.

Areas targeted during Language therapy

  • Vocabulary

  • Concepts

  • Grammar

  • Following directions

  • Expanding utterance length

  • Answering questions

  • Understanding and telling stories

  • Pragmatics (using language with different communication partners)


  • Give clues to help remember words.

    • Describe the item. "It is round, it bounces, you can play catch with it."

    • Let them fill in the blank "You put soup in a ______."

    • Describe the opposite "The pig is dirty not ______."

  • Give a sound cue. "This animal that barks is a /d/" (say just the d-sound for dog).

  • Read as much as you can or watch books read aloud on youtube.

    • Be sure to pause and talk about what you see on each page or what is happening during each part of the story.

    • Point out the characters, setting, and objects. Ask questions like "what is he/she doing?" "Is that the dog?"

  • Talk and play with your child. Talk about what you are doing throughout the day.

  • Respond and expand upon what is said. For example if a child says "go park." Say, "Yes, we are going to the park today. Do you want to go on the slide or the swing?"

  • Be on the same level as a child when you are talking or listening to them.

  • Play and interact! Be imaginative and help expand their play. Have them follow directions while playing. You can make crafts, play hide and seek, or do a simple cooking activity.

  • Opportunities to work on speech and language are everywhere!