Schoology Credentials & Badges

Schoology Trailblazer Credentials

The micro-badges below are considered Schoology Trailblazer credentials. Please see the chart of competencies to see specific skills.

You may take one or more of these courses to learn about a specific use of Schoology. If you complete the online activities that accompany each course, you will earn the micro-credential and it will be displayed in your profile in Schoology!

Please see the Learning Opportunities page to see the active list of courses being offered now.

If you wish to be a Schoology Trailblazer Coach, you must:

  • Demonstrate proficiency of the skills of the Trailblazer level (through courses below)
  • Have expressed interest in helping others use Schoology
  • Demonstrate usage of Schoology for at least two months

Schoology Navigator

Course 1: Introduction to Schoology

Schoology Curator

Course 2: Creating Content in Schoology

Schoology Communicator

Course 3: Communicating with Students in Schoology

Schoology Digital Assigner

Course 4: Leverage the Power of Schoology Assignments

Schoology Trailblazer Coach

Course 5: Learn How to Become a Schoology Coach

This is the course where you demonstrate 2 months of usage and that you have earned the credentials listed above. Upon completion, you are awarded Schoology Trailblazer Coach status.

Schoology Pro Credentials

The micro-badges below are considered Schoology Pro credentials. Please see the chart of competencies to see specific skills.

You may take one or more of these courses to learn about a specific use of Schoology. If you complete the online activities that accompany each course, you will earn the micro-credential and it will be displayed in your profile in Schoology!

Please see the Learning Opportunities page to see the active list of courses being offered now.

If you wish to be a Schoology Pro Coach, you must attain the Schoology Trailblazer Coach status and demonstrate proficiency of the skills of each of the microcredentials.

If you wish to be a Schoology Pro Coach, you must:

  • Obtain the Schoology Trailblazer Coach credential
  • Demonstrate proficiency of the skills of each of the microcredentials below
  • Have expressed interest in helping others use Schoology
  • Demonstrate that you have instructed others (individuals, group, team, department) on using Schoology

Schoology Digital Assessor

Course 6: Create and Grade Formative Assessments in Schoology

Schoology Digital Grader

Course 7: Set Up the eSchoolPLUS App and Using the Schoology Gradebook

Schoology Community Builder

Course 8: Create an Interactive Learning Environment in Schoology

Schoology Marathon Runner

Course 9: Finishing Your Schoology Course

Schoology Content Maestro

Course 10: Work Smarter, Not Harder: Using the Schoology Resource Area

Schoology Engager

Course 11: Leveraging Advanced Content in Schoology

Schoology Group Leader

Course 12: Explore and Moderate Schoology Groups

Schoology Pro Coach

Course 13: Become a Schoology Pro Coach