Unit 24 - public health

Coursework Unit

Unit 24 Spec.pdf

Essential resources required for this unit: none.

This unit is internally assessed (coursework based) and externally moderated by OCR. 

Learning outcomes:

External Deadline - Monday 4th March 2024

Intro to Unit + P1

P1 - Summarise the origins of public health policy and legislation

Assessment - Create a timeline of public health policy and legislation in the UK since the 1800's

Deadline - W/C 19th September 

Unit 24 - P2

P2 - Explain the role of national organisations and practitioners in promoting public health 

Assessment - Coursework completion 

Deadline - W/C 26th September


P3- Explain different strategies used to promote public health 

M1 - Explain how organisations and practitioners work together on strategies to promote public health

Assessment - Group presentation

Deadline - See google classroom

D1: Analyse the effectiveness of different public health strategies

D1 - Analyse the effectiveness of different public health strategies 

Assessment - Coursework completion  

Deadline - See google classroom

Unit 24 Checklist

Check list for final hand in

Please make your way through the checklist before handing in as final via your OWN teacher's classroom AND the moderation classroom as a PDF copy.