Unit 17 - supporting people with mental health conditions

Coursework Unit

Unit 17.pdf

Essential resources required for this unit: none.

This unit is internally assessed (coursework based) and externally moderated by OCR. 

Learning outcomes:

P1: Describe concepts, types, causes and effects of mental health conditions

Format: Essay

2024 - P1 (concepts)

'Concept' Slides (1/3)

P1 - Online (concepts)

'Concepts' Handout (1/3)

Lesson 2 - Case Study 1

'Case Study 1' Slides (2/3)

P1: Case Study #1

'Case Study 1' Handout (2/3)

Case Study 2

'Case Study 2' Slides (3/3)

Case Study #2

'Case Study 2' Handout (3/3)

P2: Suggest treatments that can best support individuals with mental health conditions

Format: Essay

M1: Compare the use of treatments for different mental health conditions

Format: Essay

Unit 17 - P2

P2 Slides (1/3)

M1 - Psychosis

M1 (psychosis) Slides (3/3)

Unit 17 M1 Phobias

M1 (phobias) Slides (2/3)

P3: Suggest services within the health and social care sector that can best support the needs of individuals with mental health conditions

Format: Presentation slides

M2: Compare how different support services benefit individuals with mental health conditions

Format: Essay 

P3 and M2 2024

P3 and M pp

D1: Analyse the potential impact of the care and support received from professionals in different services

Format: Essay 

D1-New Covid-19 version

Lesson Slides

D1-HANDOUT-new C19 version

Lesson Handout

P4: Summarise how legislation can be used to support individuals with mental health conditions

Format: One page essay 

Unit 17 - P4

Lesson Slides