Unit 15 - promoting health and wellbeing

Coursework Unit

Unit 15 Spec.pdf

Essential resources required for this unit: none.

This unit is internally assessed (coursework based) and externally moderated by OCR. 

Learning outcomes:

Unit 15 Checklist 2024

Unit 15 Checklist 

Please use this checklist to ensure all your coursework for Unit 15 is complete and ready for the final hand-in on Friday 17th May 2024

P1 and P2

P1: Describe personal benefits of a healthy lifestyle

P2: Explain the benefits to society of following a healthy lifestyle 

Group presentation delivery

Online adaptation M1

M1: Analyse the impact on health of adverse lifestyle choices 

M1: 2-3 page written assignment

P3 P4 M2

P3: Explain health promotion strategies used by professionals when promoting health and wellbeing 

P4: Describe the role of professionals in promoting health and wellbeing 

M2: Analyse the use routines when promoting health and wellbeing 

P3: Written assignment , P4: Copy and paste Unit 24, P2 (practitioners only + introduction and relevant conclusion)  

M2: Professional discussion 


D1: Evaluate the role of the media in promoting or influence health and wellbeing 

D1: 2-3 page Written assignment


P5: Explain possible barriers that prevent individuals from following advice on health and wellbeing 

Slides Presentation with Case Studies

JEL Unit 15 - P6

P6: Plan and carry out a small-scale campaign 

P6: Planning for campaign delivery  - Planning doc, slides presentation and photos of final delivery

JEL M3 - Discuss possible conflicts when promoting health and wellbeing

M3: Discuss possible conflicts when promoting health and wellbeing 

M3: One page summary assignment


 P7: Analyse the success of a campaign promoting health and wellbeing 

P7: 2-3 page written assignment