About Ms. Nixon

Welcome to our 4th grade class website! My name is Jenna Nixon, and I am so excited about the new 2017-2018 school year and about having the opportunity to work with your child this year!

First of all, I attended the University of Georgia for both my BSED in Early Childhood Education and later for my Master's Degree in the field of English Education and Children’s Literacy. GO DOGS! I have been teaching at Holsenbeck Elementary School for the past eight years, and prior I taught three years in Gwinnett County. During this time, I have continued learning by attending various workshops, by obtaining my gifted certification, and by reading a wide array of professional texts. I hope to continue as a lifelong learner for many years to come!

Although I take education very seriously, my family is definitely a huge priority in my life. I am the proud mother of a beautiful, and very independent, seven year old daughter named Avery, who just recently developed an interest in weaving. Most importantly, I am very excited about having our new fourth grade class, which I hope will become our home away from home!