4th-6th grade

Five to THRIVE

Things are uncertain and we have a lot to be stressed about right now. It's important that we keep a calm center. This is a tool that you can use when feeling frustrated or stressed out about what is going on around you.

I can CONTROL.....

Right now you probably feel like you aren't in control of anything. And while there are things we can't control, there are so many things that we have power over! Use this list as a helpful reminder.

Try to be the pond is this ZEN activity

Color the world in Kindness!!

It is so easy to get caught up in the negativity going on right now, take some time to think about ways that you can be kind to those around you!!!

How is your problem- solving going?

Remember to "Choose Three before Me" when you have a problem. Unless someone is hurt or going to get hurt, try to solve your problem at least 3 positive ways before you report to an adult. Becoming a problem-solver is a huge step in becoming your best self.

Challenge: The next problem you encounter today, choose a way from our problem-solving wheel to solve it.

What is Mindfullness?

This is a quick video to help with being mindful of others and how to deal at school.