Counseling Corner

Thoughtful Thursdays!

What does a school counselor do?.webm

Introduction (August 27)

Learn a little bit more about your school counselor's job at our school. You are welcome to create your own "Mr. or Mrs. Potato head" to describe your role as a student. You can share this with me by sending a picture to my email or posting on our Facebook page!

The Color Monster, A Story About Emotions by Anna Llenas | Children's Books | Storytime with Elena - YouTube.webm

Identify Feelings (September 3)

The "Color Monster" can really help us sort out our feelings. Listen to this fun book about the many feelings we have and then create your own color monster to show off how you have been feeling lately.

The Day Jace Kelly Popped.webm

Dealing with Anger (September 10)

Listen to Mrs. Cravens read a story about a boy named Jace Kelly. When you think about feeling angry, you may feel like a balloon that is getting ready to POP!!

Dealing with Anger (September 24)

_anger_and_bullying - Google Slides.webm

Listen to Mrs. Cravens talk about what angry feels like and ways to help ourselves when we feel angry.

Click on the bird to watch a video clip from the Angry Birds movie! Discuss why the birds' mood changed from happy to angry.

Activity: Use a ball or something that rolls as your "Angry Bird" to toss into a stack of cups! See how many cups your angry bird can knock down!

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"Cloudette" Read Aloud (September 17)

In this story, Cloudette has to find the courage to make friends and show those friends what is special about her. How do you show courage??

"I'm Here" Self Esteem - October 8th

Self Esteem is so important ! This video, "I'm Here" shows how we can improve other student's self-esteem with our kind actions. Watch this short clip and then complete the task to the right.

Airplane Self Esteem.MOV

Make a paper airplane. On your airplane write how you will improve someone else's self-esteem. Stand near that person and throw the airplane to them. Have them read what is on their airplane and improve their self-esteem!

Oct. 15th - Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon

Listen to the story, "Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon," then reflect on the things in your life that make you special! We can build our self esteem by recognizing the things that make our lives unique!

Draw a heart and divide it into pieces. Think about some things that make you special. Draw or write about them in the pieces of your heart!

Red Ribbon Week Drug Free - Google Slides.webm

Pledge to be DRUG FREE!

This is a lesson all about what it means to be DRUG FREE!

Red Ribbon Week Read aloud.webm

Listen to Mrs. Cravens read a story, "Charlie and the Curious Club" to learn about why it is important to ask an adult before touching something that is not yours.

Oct. 29 : Gratitude

During the month of November we will be focusing on gratitude which means being thankful. Today, listen to the story, "The Best Teacher Ever," then complete the craft by thinking about why you are thankful for your teacher!

Think about a teacher you are thankful for! Create a turkey with feathers and write down some reasons why you are thankful for that teacher. Be as creative as you want to be! Here is an example of a teacher I had in 5th grade. I am still thankful for her today :) Send me pictures of your creations:

Nov. 5th - Gratitude - "Thank You Boxes"

This is a true story about an elephant and a dog who became best friends. These friends are so grateful to have each other. Think about the many things you are thankful for. Using the "thank you box" template (or you may create your own), draw and/or write all the things you are thankful for! Be as creative as you want to be :)

Thank you boxes.pdf

Nov. 12 - Being Kind!

Listen to the story, "The Lonely Moose" and think about how you can be kind to someone. Then, draw a picture of you showing kindness! There are a few examples of how to show kindness below :)


Nov. 19 - Recognizing Differences

Listen to Mrs. Cravens read the story, "Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun." Then, talk about how you are different than other people and how you can be kind to someone who is different than you!

Excellence Unicorn read aloud.MOV

Excellence Dec. 3

Listen to Mrs. Cravens read the story, "Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great."

Excellence Unicorn craft.MOV

Create your own cupcake and think about something that makes you GREAT just like the characters in the story. We are all EXCELLENT at something!

Mindful Minute Thunderstorm.MOV

Dec. 10 - Mindful Minute - Thunderstorm

Slow your body down a little bit by participating in this mindfulness activity. We will be working on FOCUS through this 5 minute activity!

Dec. 17 - Everyone is Excellent!

Listen to this book, "The Sneetches" and discuss what makes you EXCELENT. It doesn't matter if you have a STAR BELLY or not, we are all excellent at many different things.

Lay down on a piece of paper or on the concrete outside. Have someone think of positive things about you. Have them write these positive statements all around. When you stand up you will see all the things that make you EXCELLENT! It will make you feel so good inside!~

Jan. 7 - Dedication

Listen to this read aloud, "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus." In this story, WE are dedicated to make sure the pigeon does NOT drive the bus even though he tries to get us to let him do it anyway! This shows how we are dedicated to do the right thing.

Now, draw or write about how you would make sure the pigeon does not HURT PEOPLE. Be as creative as you want to be! Remember, you are dedicated to do the right thing, so we want to do everything we can to make sure he does not hurt people that we care about :)

Jan. 14 - Dedicated to OURSELVES!

Listen to this read aloud of a famous book, "The Little Engine that Could." Just because I can't do it today, doesn't mean I'm not going to be able to do it someday!

What are you dedicated to at school or home? Draw and/or write what you are dedicated to at school or home on your own sheet of paper. Send a picture to my email:



Help settle your mind and body through this FLOWER BREATH mindful minute!

Jan. 28 - Don't Give Up!

Sing and dance to this song and remember whatever you do, DON'T EVER GIVE UP!

Feb. 4 - Loyalty

Listen to this amazing story about an elephant and dog who are loyal friends. Discuss how the elephant was such a loyal friend to the dog. How can you be a loyal friend?

Feb 11 - Being a loyal classmate!