Steven Simon 

Associate Professor of Mathematics


I have been at Bard since Fall 2016.  Before that, I held visiting positions at Wellesley College and the Cooper Union. I received my Ph.D. from the Courant Institute (New York University) under Sylvain Cappell and my B.A. from Yale University.


In Fall 2024 I am teaching  MATH 362 (Complex Analysis) and FYSEM I (First Year Seminar) . All course materials are available on Google Classroom.  Below is a list of my teaching  at Bard. 

MATH T400 (Real Analysis II) Sp 2021

MATH 362 (Complex Analysis) F 2024 and Sp 2021

MATH 361 (Real Analysis)  F 2017, 2018, 2023  and Sp 2016, 2020

MATH 332 (Abstract Algebra)  F 2016

MATH 331 (Abstract Linear Algebra) Sp 2024

MATH 328 (Probability) F 2018, Sp 2022

MATH 321 (Differential Equations) Sp 2019

MATH 312 (Advanced Calculus) F 2019

MATH 261 (Proofs and Fundamentals) F 2018

MATH 255 (Vector Calculus) Sp 2023, 2024

MATH 245 (Intermediate Calculus) Sp 2018

MATH 242 (Linear Algebra) Sp 2022

MATH 142 (Calculus II)  F 2016 and Sp 2017, 2020, 2021

MATH 141 (Calculus I) F 2023

MATH 105 (Time, Space, and Infinity: Mathematical Perspectives on Philosophical Paradoxes) F 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022 and Sp 2018, 2019, cross-listed with Philosophy 

PHIL 237 (Symbolic Logic) Sp 2023

FYSEM I (First Year Seminar) F 2022, 2024


My research is in discrete geometry and geometric combinatorics, with an emphasis on those problems which are amenable to topological methods or admit continuous generalizations.  I am particularly interested in mass partitions (fair division problems for continuous and discrete measures, generalizing the classical "Ham Sandwich" theorem) as well as  relatives of classical intersection results from convex geometry, especially Tverberg's theorem.  


[1] G-ham sandwich theorems: balancing measures by finite subgroups of spheres.  Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (2013) 1906--1912

[2] Measure equipartitions via finite Fourier analysis. Geometriae Dedicata 179 (2015) 217--228

[3] Average-value Tverberg partitions via finite Fourier analysis. Israel Journal of Mathematics 216 (2016) 891--904

[4] Measure partitions via Fourier analysis II: center transversality in the L^2-norm for complex hyperplanes. Journal of Geometry 107 (2016) 593--601

[5] Mass partitions via equivariant sections of Stiefel bundles. Filomat 32  (2018) 3759--3768

[6] Hyperplane equipartitions plus constraints. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 161 (2019) 29--50

[7] Regular polygonal partitions of a Tverberg type.  With Leah Leiner*. Discrete and Computational Geometry 66 (2021) 1053--1071

[8] Inscribed Tverberg-type partitions for orbit polytopes.  With Tobias Timofeyev*. Mathematika 68 (2022) 1135--1152

[9] Embedding dimensions of simplicial complexes on few vertices.  With Florian Frick, Mirabel Hu, and Verity Scheel*. Annals of Combinatorics 27 (2023) 993--1003

[10]  Transversal generalizations of hyperplane equipartitions. With Florian Frick, Samuel Murray, and Laura StemmlerInternational Mathematics Research Notices 2024 No. 7 (2024) 5586--5618

[11] The generalized Makeev problem revisited. With Andres Mejia* and Jialin Zhang*.  Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (2024). 22 pages

[12] Topological methods in zero-sum Ramsey theory.  With Florian Frick,  Jacob Lehmann Duke, Meenakshi McNamara, Hannah Park-Kaufmann*, Steven Raanes, Darrion Thornburgh*, and Zoe Wellner. 18 pages. Submitted 

[13] Chirality in discrete geometry. With Florian Frick, Mirabel Hu, Samuel Murray, Verity Scheel*, and Laura Stemmler. In preparation

* Denotes Bard College student