About Our Instructors

Sheila Finch

Fitness can mean so many different things. I strive to help people at all levels of physical health discoverwhat a healthy, active lifestyle means for them. Born and raised in Alaska, activity is just what I do. Theoutdoors is my favorite gym and my fitness comes in many forms. From the ability to scale tall mountains,the strength to pack everything I need for a weekend on my back through rugged terrain and the energy to corral three SMALL children safely through trails and on fishing trips--activity is a necessary part of my life.


Fitness was always a hobby of mine, and over a decade ago it became a career when I realized I could combine my education with my passion, and help others through exercise. I have been

a Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and Medical Exercise Specialist since 2009!

My own training program was intense and with the intent to transform my body into an athletic machine.But with time and experience came the realization that the REAL need in the fitness industry was for not for a more average population—not fit/motivated/active people but rather individuals who had been battling regular life forces or much worse, for a long time.


My client base as an instructor became more the 45+, inactive population; those who wanted to get back toa generally active lifestyle but were struggling with chronic injury or medical conditions; those who were not comfortable or experienced with the gym. The average client was not looking to be a super athlete, they justwanted to continue playing with grandkids and getting through daily

life activities without pain or further injury, or perhaps get back to some fishing/hiking/other activities they used to love without fear of falling or injuring themselves.


I have taught many class formats over the years but I hold a special place in my heart for Suspension Training with the TRX Trainer. Integrating activity back into your life should be a full body affair. Stability isthe foundation of all movement, and there is no better way to establish that firm foundation than by teaching your body to maneuver its own weight in a safe and controlled environment! TRX classes are completely work-at-your-own-level. We have modifications for every-BODY at every level!


Join me in the adventure of discovering your best self, no matter where you are starting!

Trust me to help you incorporate activity in to your life, not just in a gym--safely and effectively. Let's get back to what life is really about and get your body to a place where it can engage in that bigger picture!

Thomas Faulkenberry

Thomas Faulkenberry began his martial arts journey with Judo while in the 8th grade in 1966.  He participated in this training diligently for the next 3 years until his instructor moved.  As a result of living in a small town in Texas, there were very few options for Martial Arts training until a new instructor moved in who taught a style of Korean Karate. Thomas began intensively studying this style for the next 2 years, receiving instructor’s certificates.

 In 1971, Thomas had to pause his martial arts training while he attended Texas A&M on an athletic scholarship. While at Texas A&M, he received a Bacherlors in Environmental Design and a Masters in Architecture with an option in Construction Management.

 Once he graduated in 1977, he resumed the next phase of his Martial Arts Training while working as an architect in a large firm in Dallas, Texas.  He began training in the Japanese version of Goju-ryu where he received his Shodan (1stdegree blackbelt) after 3 ½ years of intense training.

 In 1981, he moved to Alaska.  Initially, he could not find a Goju-ryu dojo so he began training in the Korean Martial Art known as Taekwondo. After a year into Taekwondo training, he discovered that there was a Goju-ryu dojo in town.  Upon arrival at the Goju dojo, he discovered that it was Okinawan Goju-ryu which is quite different from the Japanese version.

 Thomas studied very intensely for the next 6 years before receiving his Shodan (1st Degree Blackbelt) in this style.  Upon receiving his blackbelt, he became one of the head instructors for next 10 years.

 Concurrently, he began studying Kendo in 1985, followed by the study of Iaido, then Tai Chi and Qi Gong.  He became an Instructor in all these Discplines.

 Over the years he received a 4th degree blackbelt in Kendo and a 3rd Degree Blackbelt in Iaido.

His teaching and coaching experience has spanned many years.  He coached at Texas A&M for 2 years followed by 2 years at UAA.  He coached in the Anchorage School District for 20 years and he has taught martial arts in Anchorage since 1983.

 Atfter multiple injuries sustained while sking and fighting, Thomas chose to focus his discipline towards providing classes for seniors.  He plans on offering Chair Tai Chi classes and is developing other plans for a cane defense class.


Luci Bennett PT, DPT, OCS, MOMT 

Dr. Luci Lawlis Bennett has been a practicing physical therapist for more than 30 years specializing in the field of chronic pain and spinal dysfunction. This area of therapy is one of the most challenging in terms of successful resolution of pain and functional limitations which requires a multi-modal approach. Dr. Bennett has pursued numerous degrees, certifications, and other clinical education programs that focus on a variety of assessment processes that Investigate all aspects of biopsychosocial components of patient presentation. The results of investigation and collaboration are then integrated into comprehensive plans that include manual therapy, education and physical restoration.


She graduated with a Bachelors of Science, Physical Therapy from Texas Women’s University in 1989 and began her practice in outpatient physical therapy focusing on the chronic pain and spinal pain population. In 1997, Dr. Bennett completed a two-year residency program in which she received a Masters of Orthopedic Manual Therapy. Dr. Bennett sat for the American Physical Therapy certification exam to become an Orthopedic Certified Specialist in 2003 and went on to re-certify in 2012. She was also certified as a specialist in the Integrated Systems Model with Diane Lee in 2016. Dr. Bennett’s most recent educational accomplishment was graduating with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Northeastern University


One of the more meaningful aspects Dr. Bennett values in her clinical practice is patient education. She has personally produced web sites, illustrations, and other classes geared for the general population. She is currently in the process of publishing a book aimed at core education specifically for women. It is her objective to continue to produce materials that explain how the body works as well as understanding the pain relationship.