Starting A CHapter

Robert's rules of order

You must use Robert's Rules of Order in all chapter meetings. The following resource provides you with a summary of how to create various motions, hold debates and discussions, vote on matters, etc.:

 More Info

IDEAs for professional development

Follow this link for more information.

MOre Advice for starting a Chapter

From Dr. Craig Hancock, Wartburg College:

Getting started…  You must have a faculty sponsor who is an IBA member.  “Lead by example.”  This person must preach loudly and regularly to students about the benefits of IBA membership.  They should be willing to work with you/students to not only form the chapter, but keep it going.  Student members of your IBA chapter must be IBA members.  Your student leaders must also be sure of the benefit of membership in IBA. It is so much different than, for instance, the fraternal benefits of Phi Mu Alpha. Membership in IBA can’t just be another group that you belong to. Being a member for over 4 decades now, I can assure you that no other more important investment of your time as a student (planning on becoming a band director) than the benefits of IBA membership and the “networking” from which you can benefit!  For our chapter, regular meetings keep us in touch with what ‘s going on by each month having a guest speaker on some topic.  (These speakers have been via zoom this year, due to Covid.)

From Mr. Jeremy Smith, Iowa Central College:

From my chair, what is needed first is students that are willing to learn outside of the classroom!  Our meetings focus on topics such as travel planning, additional conducting or instrument pedagogy methods, to event planning (such as festivals and honor bands).  Once you get through the charter set up process and get students in place, it’s setting up a meeting schedule and topics in advance and sticking to it.  In addition to the learning is the importance of networking, from other students to directors that are currently in place that will someday be peers.  I like to put our students in touch with the directors in the area that are hosting district and state level events (such as jazz, solo/ensemble, large group, etc.) and expose them to the operations of those type of events that they’ll someday be a part of.

From Anna Galioto, Wartburg College:

I think something that is very important in starting an IBA chapter is interest from music ed students, especially instrumentalists. It may be hard at first as we don't have many of our music ed students join, but we continue to push out the information to all music ed majors so that they know they can attend anytime. Create a council that is dedicated! This is super important as you begin the chapter as you want a strong foundation to continue building on. Don't be afraid to reach out to people you don't really know because they could be super helpful or could be a great speaker to bring in and have talk to the group. Make sure that you have regular meetings so that people don't forget that your chapter exists. We always meet once a month on a Sunday. Also, make sure you have a teacher/staff advisor that understands the importance of IBA so that they can help support the group and give input as well.

Contact If you have questions

Past President of Iowa State Student Chapter:

Current President of Iowa State Student Chapter:

Iowa State Student Chapter Advisor:

Current IBA Student Affairs Chair: