Conference Credit

This information will usually be updated by March 1st each year

Looking for  a way to gain re-licensure credits? Want to move up on the salary scale? Check out these professional development opportunities for the conference. There are several Professional Development options available again during the conference. Registration Deadline last full day of conference.


Register through the AEA Learning Online website.

AEA PD Online Course Number - 226510; Section# 318891. 

LO - Course: LO - Professional Development for Music Educators - Instrumental - IBA 2024

Available for 1 License Renewal credit - $95

Direct Link to course registration.

Participants will view/attend a minimum total of 8 hours (10 sessions) of content. Participants will maintain and submit a Learning Log documenting viewed content by writing a brief paragraph (2 - 3 sentences) describing and reflecting each of the sessions during the conference. There will be both in-person and virtual (recorded) sessions.

Participants will extend their learning opportunity by participating in online discussion and reflection. The focus of this coursework will be planning and instruction.

Have questions? Contact Liz Fritz, instructor

IBA PD for Musiceducators24.pdf

 University of Iowa – Music Education Workshop IBA Conference 2024

1 semester graduate credit - $626  (under-graduate credit - $377)

You must attend a minimum of six (6) sessions, two (2) of which must be concerts and two (2) of which must be clinic sessions. The other two (2) sessions can be concerts, clinics, IBA general meetings or district meetings.

You must write and submit a brief paragraph (two, three or four sentences) describing and evaluating each session. You may make reference to new literature or techniques learned or just give your opinion of the session.

Questions? Contact Dr. Myron Welch

UofIA_Course Info_SU24_V2.pdf