Codes of Behaviour

Players’ Code of Behaviour

1. Play by the rules.

2. Never argue with an official.

3. Control your temper.

4. Work equally hard for yourself and/or your team.

5. Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition.

6. Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated.

7. Cooperate with your coach, team mates and opponents.

8. Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.

9. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Spectators’ Code of Behaviour

1. Remember that young people participate in sport for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.

2. Applaud good performance and efforts from all individuals and teams.

3. Congratulate all participants on their performance regardless of the game’s outcome.

4. Respect the decisions of officials and teach young people to do the same.

5. Never ridicule or scold a young player for making a mistake. Positive comments are motivational.

6. Show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game.

7. Encourage players to follow the rules and the officials’ decisions.

8. Do not use foul language, sledge or harass players, coaches or officials. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

9. No posting of identifiable images on social media without express permission of person.

Coaches’ and Team Officials’ Code of Behaviour

1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being.

2. Ensure the athlete’s time spent with you is a positive one.

3. Treat each athlete as an individual. Respect the talent, development stage and goals of each individual athlete, help each athlete reach their full potential.

4. Be fair, considerate and honest with athletes. Be professional and accept responsibility for your actions. Language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation should display high standards. Display control, respect, dignity and professionalism to all involved in the sport - this includes opponents, coach’s officials, administrators, the media, parents and spectators. Encourage your athletes to demonstrate the same qualities.

5. Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards your athletes.

6. Show concern and caution towards sick and injured athletes.

7. Be a positive role model for your sport and athletes.

8. Refrain from inappropriate behaviour towards other officials and parents.

Taken from Australian Water Polo Incorporated – By-Laws adopted 27 June10