Room 13

Fashion through the Decades

- Jaime, Ruby and Gretel

Our podcast about fashion trends in the past, present, and future. We are just chatting about fashion trends. We discuss lots of funny past trends and why trends come back. We figured out that lots of trends never really went out of style like trench coats tortoise shells and so much more. We loved making thousand learned so much from it.

Ruby, Gretel, and Jaime

Fashion Trends

Devices in Education

- Thisun

This episode is about how devices are used for education. I will talk about some of the devices used in schools and how they can make education easier. I will also do a bit of explaining about how I think technology, in school, will look like in the future.

Devices in Education

Social Media

- Ellie and Charlie

Charlie’s and Ellie’s podcast is about social media. They discuss the past, present, and future of it. Social media is a massive problem around the world with cyberbullying and expectations. They talk about that in their podcast so you should jump on that link and listen to it.

Social Media

Women's Rights

- Olivia and Eva

This podcast is about Women's Rights. Women's rights is a big problem all over the world. So we are here to teach you about some of the things that need to change. We will talk about the issues the planet has on women and their rights. Women's rights have improved greatly but can still improve more.

The Evolution Of Racism

- Brooke and Isla

This podcast is about Racism and the major events of it in New Zealand. We will discuss things like to Poll Tax, The Springbok Tour, The Dawn Raids and the Mosque Attack. Although this is a serious topic we added a little bit of humor. This is a Podcast By Brooke Beaman and Isla Goodwin; 2 year 8 students at Balmacewen.


- Jasper

In this podcast Jasper will be talking about how Marvel impacts him. If you haven’t heard of Marvel this podcast explains what it is. The creator of Marvel Stan Lee is a genius. Listen to Jasper's podcast and find out why.

Coming to NZ

- Khaled and Jono

In this podcast Kaled and Jono will be talking about Immigration. They will draw on personal experiences and share why their families moved to NZ.