Exam Revision

Exam Revision seminar - you must log into clickview with your school google account to access the video.

Old video 2021

Exams - Current Study Design

Calculating your Study Score.....

For the last 5 years scores have been fairly stable in VCD.

An exam score of 50/90 (55%) is safely over 30(state average), 67/90 (75%) is safely over 40 (top 9%) on any exam since 2016.

Some years the cut offs are up to two marks lower.

The English exam is similar, 55% = 30+, 77% = 40+

Some subjects are quite different though, and some fluctuate a lot more... check with your teachers.

Calculating Your ATAR

An average of 39 after scaling in your top four subjects will get you a 90 ATAR





In VCD we are scaled down, because our subject is easier. High scores are only scaled a tiny bit.

41 becomes 39

38 becomes 35

35 becomes 31

32 becomes 28

28 becomes 24

They only take away the marks you get for free.Â