Wicked History: Genghis Khan by Goldberg & Izkowitz

3 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.25/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1.5/5

A Wicked History: Genghis Khan: 13th-Century Mongolian Tyrant by Enid A. Goldberg & Norman Itzkowitz is the rewritten version of the biography: “The Secret History Of The Mongolians” This book is nonfiction and tells the life story of Genghis Khan. It includes his childhood, how his extended family cut ties with his family, his accomplishments during his teens, and the great accomplishments he had when he became an emperor. I would recommend this book to middle school or primary school students who are interested in finding out more about popular leaders in history or just about Genghis Khan himself. The book itself was alright and would probably be a 4 out of 5 and reading it wasn’t hard at all so it would get a 1 out of 5 for vocabulary. (Philippe. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Genghis Khan by Goldberg and Izktzkowitz for me its a action book.The book is about the history of Genghis Khan, his birth, his betrayal friend, his country, and his defeats. Genghis Khan was named Temujin he was called “Khan” because he defeat many countries in a magnificent battle. He had learned a lot of techniques from many different countries he had destroyed. His enemy named Jamuka was his friend when he was a youngster. He had destroyed northern China who was ruled by a Golden Khan. Genghis Khan ends his life at the age of 70. His son Ogedei was the next Khan of the Mongols. (Dominic. Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

My book was called Wicked History Genghis Khan by Goldberg and Itzkowitz. The book is about Genghis Khan his life and the Mongolian steppe. It is a really interesting book but its also a bit cruel because many people get killed and sliced open. I liked it because its more like a legend so not all parts are really realistic. In the book are also pages that are only information like about Genghis Khan or about the Mongolian warriors. I liked it 4 out of 5 and the vocabulary difficulty was 2 out of 5. (Melati. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5