The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer

3 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.6/5

The book “The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod” by Heather Brewer is about Vlad who is on a journey across the world as a vampire. As he grows, he gets more desperate for blood which puts him in danger. The genre mostly fits into mystery and adventure. I would recommend this to people who enjoy the genre above. In my opinion, this book was long and didn’t get straight to the point which would make me bored and want to stop reading. I didn’t like this book and wouldn’t continue reading more of the series. However, if people are interested in slow paced books I would recommend it. (Hannah, Grade 8) 

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer is a compelling book about an 8th grader named Vladimir Todd. He is not just a normal 8th grader, but a vampire who has to keep his identity a secret. Vlad also struggles with making friends at school and stopping his classmates bully him. He has only two people in the world who knows he’s a vampire; Nelly, his aunt, and Henry, his best friend, after his parents died in an accident. One day he went to school to find his favorite teacher gone, a new suspicious substitute, and later in the night, a vampire murderer who was finding him. Will Vlad’s identity still be kept a secret? Did his parents really die in an accident or were they murdered? I really liked this book because the storyline was just amazing and the thrill this book possesses. I recommend this book to the ones who are interested in the book genre of thriller and paranormal and the ones who are interested in vampires.  (Ahyun, Grade 8) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer is an interesting combination of mystery and paranormal. The book is about a thirteen-year-old boy who is a vampire and his struggles of balancing school, friendship, his vampiric powers, and keeping his identity a secret. He worries that his cover will be blown, but he then realizes he is being hunted by a vampire killer. I really enjoyed reading this book as it was a genre I don’t typically read therefore it was refreshing. I also liked how there were various plot twists throughout the story, keeping me on the edge of my seat and making me want to continue reading. I found the book to be quite easy to read as there wasn’t any vocabulary that was challenging. Overall, I strongly recommend this book to people who like short, fast-paced books in the mystery and paranormal genres. (Seoyeon, Grade 8) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5