Refugee by Alan Gratz

20 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

‘Refugee’ by Alan Gratz is the perfect example of realistic fiction.

This book is about kids having to travel to another country by push factors. The author did a decent job of leading the story very realistically and that's what increases my sadness when I read this book. And the whole book blatantly explains the situation. For example, on page 17 there was a part that says “A year after that, Khalid had died in an airstrike anyway”. This passage made me think a lot. Death felt very light and looked like its nothing in their situation. And seeing what the kids had to do in that situation such as hiding from people showed how miserable people are in front of the barriers of authority. Overall, Alan Gratz did a great job of talking through the story using blatant language and I will say that everyone would be able to read this book interestingly.  (Lael, Grade 6

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

This book is called Refugee by Alan Gratz, the author has recieved a lot of rewards such as #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Salt to the Sea, the genre of this book is action/adventure at the same time because this book talks about surviving and life skills through out the book. I recommend this book for people who likes action and adventure. this books talks about a few people being imigrants and refugees, it was talking about their journey/ experience during their time being refugee's. (Gibran, Grade 6) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

“Refugee” by Alan Gratz is an adventure-based novel on war/refugee-related stories. Three perspectives of three different people in different regions of the world, trying to escape as a refugee from wars. This book wasn’t fun to read because I don’t like the genre of adventure. I enjoyed the plot of the story, but as an overall, I would think that this book would be targeted to ages below 11 because of the content and how easy the vocabularies were. I would also recommend this book to readers who enjoy the genre of adventure, as well as stories that are war/refugee-related.  (Ellery. Grade 8) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Refugee by alan gratz is a very interesting and adventurous book it uses emotions very well which makes it feel more real I really like this book because it is a historical fiction and its very adventurous so anybody who likes historical fiction adventurous books this is good for you. It follows three storys following three refugees the first part is in nazi Germany and its about a jewish person called josef and he is trying to flee germany. The second part is about a girl in Cuba and she and her family are trying to escape to USA. The third part is about Mahmoud a Syrian boy who flees his war torn country with his family to seek refuge in Europe. (Sven. Grade 6) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Refugee by Alan Gratz is a powerful young adult historical fiction novel that follows the stories of three refugee families from different periods of time. This book is an excellent recommendation for young adults who are interested in historical fiction and want to learn more about the refugee crisis. The author masterfully depicts the struggles and dangers that refugees face in their attempts to find safety. One scene that exemplifies this is when a Syrian family attempts to escape on an overcrowded boat. Overall, Refugee is a moving and thought-provoking novel that inspires empathy and understanding for those who are forced to flee their homes. (Oliver. Grade 8) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

In the historical fiction book Refugee by Alan Gratz, three teenagers experience life in challenging circumstances all throughout the world. It alternates between the perspectives of the three main characters as they struggle to find safety with their families. The novel portrays the feelings and trauma that each character was experiencing after each event in a genuine manner. Additionally, each chapter ends on a cliffhanger, attracting the reader's interest in what will happen next. In my opinion, the book can be suggested to readers interested in historical fiction and curious about how children react when placed in dreadful and dangerous circumstances.  (Erik. Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

refuge by alan gratz fits mostly into realistic fiction and adventure. I recommend this book to people interested in how people travel through hard challenges. I like this book because it shows 3 people having to go through hard challenges to find a refugee. There is one thing I don't like about this book: it shows the 3 people's journey but gets mixed up after a few parts of person 1, then it goes to persons 2, and 3 and repeats. although it makes it even more exciting but also might forget. (Jiwan. Grade 6) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book “Refugee” by Alan Gratz is about 3 kids that go on a journey in search of refugees after they leave their country. Each child in the book went through different journeys but all of them have a similar journey. In my opinion, this book was a very amazing book and was very enjoyable to read. The genre is about historical fiction, and it taught me more about people who seek for refugee. I would definitely recommend this book to people who are above the age of 12 as some younger people might not understand the subject and be confused. (Hannah. Grade 8) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Refugee by Alan Gratz poses the story of three teenage kids living in difficult times around the world. It is a historical fiction book. The book switches between the 3 main characters' perspectives and how they are fighting to find refuge with their families. The three different stories take place in settings where people were persecuted or threatened and were forced to leave and find refuge. The 3 main characters are Josef Landau, who is part of a Jewish family living in Germany during hitlers reign in the 1930s, Isabel Fernandez, a teenage girl who lived in Communist Cuba in 1994 under Fidel Castro who posed a difficult setting and life for people living in this setting experiencing food shortages and riots that can pose deadly dangers to many people that are unprotected, and Mahmoud Bishara, Syrian Muslim lives during 2015 in war-torn Syria. I really liked this book for many different reasons. This book was very realistic, and it really showed the emotions and trauma that each character was feeling after each event that happened. These events really impacted the story and the characters throughout and it was really interesting and made you think a lot more about the situation the characters were in. For example, when Josef's father, Aaron, is taken away by the Nazis on Kristallnacht and sent to the Dachau concentration camp. When Aaron is released, it showed how traumatized he was from how he was treated in the Dachau concentration camp and it is reflected in many decisions he made throughout the story. Another thing I really liked was the cliffhangers from each chapter. As each chapter always switched from the 3 characters' perspectives, every chapter would end with a cliffhanger which would make you keep wanting to read and know what happens next in the story. One thing I disliked about the book is that it is just a little bit long and some chapters start to get a little boring near the end. I recommend this book to people who are interested in historical fiction. (Vivan. Grade 8) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Refugee was written by Alan Gratz and i would put this book under the genre adventure. This book is about 3 families going on journeys will go on harrowing journeys in search of refuge. All will face unbelievable dangers–from drownings to bombings . But for each of them, there is always the hope of tomorrow. Although the main characters are fictional children, some of the side characters are real, and the events are based on actual stories of refugees. The vocabulary wasn't difficult and the book wasn't too long. I would recommend it to people who like mystery and adventure. (Kirana. Grade 6

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book I read was called ‘’refugee’’. It was written by Alan Gratz, Alan Gratz is the New York Times bestselling author of nineteen novels for young readers. He is now a full-time writer living in North Carolina. He lives together with his wife and daughter and loves to write books.

‘’Refugee’’ is a fun book that has something unique, It is based on three different perspectives of children that have to seek refuge. Each child in the book faces many impossible challenges that make the book very exciting. It is a very interesting book that is based on true stories. The book also kept me reading because every chapter ends with a cliffhanger. I would recommend this book to people who love to read adventurous, realistic books.  (Tomek. Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book I read is called “Refugee”. It is a book by Alan gratz. The genre of this book is a young adult historical fiction book and I gave it a ⅗ on difficulty and ⅗ as an overall rating.

So this book talks about three young refugees from different countries that are trying to seek safety and refuge after leaving their countries for various reasons. They all had to face challenges and difficulties, and although one of the three refugees died two of them got to find shelter. This book explores different themes such as war, prison as they are captive by the nazi, persecution, and survival. In my opinion, it wasn’t my favorite book but I enjoyed reading it. I recommend this book if you like a young adult historical fiction book.  (Alexis. Grade 8) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Refugee by Alan Gratz is a historical fiction novel. In my opinion, Refugee is probably my favourite book when I finished reading and as I am typing this because the perspective was unique and one of them connected to another perspective of another character, and. The book was overall enjoyable to read, it was interesting because the book heavily focuses on the point of view of refugees in certain time periods in history. The novel is about the perspective of 3 people: Josef, Mahmoud and Isabel, Josef and his family were Jews during the reign of Adolf Hitler Pre World War 2 and World War 2, and Josef's family attempted an escape through the MS St. Louis to Havana. Isabel and her family were escaping Cuba to Miami by raft during Fidel Castro's reign in Cuba during the 1990s, and Mahmoud and his family fled Syria in 2015 from the civil war and into Germany mostly by land.  (Rama. Grade 8) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Refugee by Alan Gratz this book mostly fits adventure. This book is very awesome it shows 3 children who tried to escape their country from war or the ruler. The first one is about Josef (yes its spelled like that) he trying to escape Germany from the most infamous dictator Adolf Hitler so they can go to Cuba. The second one is about a girl named Isabel shes trying to escape Cuba from the president named Fidel Castro so they can go to the US and settle in Florida. The third one is about a boy named Mahmoud from Syria he’s trying to escape the war and settle in Germany. All of these cahracters has the same relationship (if you read it carefully) (Dominic. Grade 6) 

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

"Refugee" by Alan Gratz was a book that I really enjoyed. It taught me more about the life of refugees in a thrilling and exciting way. This story switched through the lives of three very different kids. Even though their lives are very contrasting, they all have something in common. They have all suffered and their lives have been put in danger multiple times. Nevertheless, they don't give up, and all their stories have a positive ending. This was a great book. It was really fast and easy to read. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the genres of history, non-fiction, thriller, and adventure. I would recommend it for ages 11 and up because the content might not be easy for younger ages to fully understand. (Nina. Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Refugee by Alan Gratz is a historical fiction that takes you through three different stories about refugee families. It mainly focuses on three main characters, but each of their families was involved too. All three stories are fictional but based on actual events that happened in the past. The book deals with families fleeing their homes because of many dangerous things, from riots to the nazis. The Characters deal with hardship and loss as you follow them through their adventure to a safer place, dealing with one problem to the next. It is exciting and fun to read with some surprises and twists. I recommend this if you want to learn more about how refugees had to survive and what they had to deal with, or if you only want a good book to read.  (Ashton. Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Alan Gratz's Refugee is a historical fiction novel that interweaves the stories of three young refugees in three different eras and settings

(1938 Berlin, 1994 Cuba, 2015 Syria). The situation of all children and families is dire and their journey is fraught with imminent danger. I couldn't put it down and enjoyed reading how the book moved from story to story, leaving me feeling suspense after each chapter. And, a must-read if you're interested in histories and what others go through, that's inevitable on their journey. This is a great book that details the lives of refugees and the struggles they face. I totally recommend this book because, Reading such stories puts the reader in the shoes of the refugees and makes it easier to empathize with them. (Priscilla. Grade 7) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Refugee by Alan Gratz was an awesome book! It was a mix of historical fiction and realistic fiction. This book had everything it had action, mystery, thriller, and kept its reader guessing. It was a book that was based on true events. And you could feel for the characters. Each character had their own story and each of them (even from different periods) had a connection. And each character developed in some way throughout out there stories. There are also major plot twists that you would never have suspected. This book ties well to its plot. You don't get halfway through the book and it magically changes its plot. Each of the characters is a refugee from a different time period. And all they wanted to do was find safety. The book shows their adventures. And if they make it to safety or not. (Kai, Grade 7) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Refugee, by Alan GratzIs, is a warm and at times cold hatred realistic fiction about three kids all in different time periods and how they struggle to flee there country. Isabel a Cuban girl in 1994. Her country is experiencing rioting and chaos. She and her family launched a raft in search of safety in Amarica. Josef is a Jewish kid growing up in Nazi Germany during the 1930s. With the threat of concentration camps coming, he and his family board a ship headed for the other side of the earth. Mohamed is a syrian boy in 2015. Whose hose gets destroyed and tries to seek freedom in Germany. The book revolves around these three main characters. This book was really interesting and fascinating the level of words was not to hard and the subject was really interesting. (Cris, Grade 7) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Refugee was an astonishing book because the story takes place at a prison and one prisoner named prisoner-B-3087 that prisoner escaped the high security jail going but he was in another country with his uncle and friend.What they did was they made a boat and planned to sail it across the atlantic sea to their home because they have no record of Prisoner B 3087.Also there is a movie about Refugee with a tiger and it did actually happen!, according to the book. (Juno, Grade 6) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5