One Of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.2/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2/5

One of Us is Lying, written by Karen McManus is a murder mystery which I would rate 3/5.  On Monday five students walk into detention 

Bronwyn, The Brain, is over-the-top brilliant and never breaks a rule.

 Addy, The Beauty, nothing but charming and elegant.

Cooper, The Jock, is an all-time athlete and ultimately into baseball 

 Nate, The Criminal, is already known for dealing.

And Simon, the founder of the About That gossip app.

 All walk into detention, but only four come back out, turning them into suspects in the murder. Throughout the book, you find out more and more about each individual character since between the chapters the perspective switches between the four suspects. It also includes some plot twists and isn't too long. I would rate this book 3/5 because there was a lot of romance and wasn't as exciting as I had expected. Though in total the word vocabulary wasn't too hard, there was an unexpected plot twist in the end, and it wasn't a bad book.(Enya, Grade 6)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus is a fantastic mystery book that I would give a 5/5 rating. The story takes place in high school with five students ending up in detention and one of them dies. The remaining students become suspects and the reader tries to find out what really happened. The book is easy to read and the characters are relatable. The story has many twists and turns that keep the reader interested and the ending is surprising.

This book combines mystery, suspense and high school drama, making it a unique and exciting read. Karen McManus did a great job putting all these elements together to make a thrilling story.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves mystery stories. One of Us is Lying will keep you on the edge of your seat and guessing until the end. It's a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good mystery book. So, give it a try! (Cris. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 4/5

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus fits into the category of mystery. This is the first book to the sequel, the book is about 5 teenagers who git detention for different reasons. In the middle of detention, a boy (Simon) chokes after drinking his water, he died later because of an allergy. A murder investigation was launched and now the 4 teenagers were the suspects as they all had a reason to want Simon dead. The police had to dig deep into who murdered Simon, but in the end, it was the teenagers who solved it. I like how the book doesn't show you what they actually look like, you kind of have to use your imagination.  I also liked how each character's point of view was shown and understood that way the reader was included in the narrative and could see all points of view. The vocabulary is easy but a few people could get confused about one or 2 words.   If you liked the book there is a Netflix adaptation of the book, I definitely would recommend the book to those who love murder mysteries with a twist of teenage romance.  (Elsa. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book “One of Us is Lying” by Karen M. McManus is an amazing book. It is a Mystery type of book where it makes you really interested in knowing what will happen next. It is honestly the best book I’ve read so far. It is about 5 teenagers who get sent to detention for different reasons, and out of nowhere, this boy, Simon, starts choking and ends up dying. But since the door was locked and the teacher was outside, they ruled the case as a Murder, and all the teenagers in the room were suspects. There was also an app where gossip about the other 4 teenagers that were in detention went around, but it was coming from Simon’s computer. So they had to investigate deeper on who was behind it all. There is also a series on Netflix based on this book which is just as amazing as the book. I’ve watched both seasons and read the book, so I totally recommend this book to those who love murder mysteries involving teens.   (Lilly. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book I read is called “ One of us is lying ”. It is a novel by McManus and Karen M. The genre of this book is murder mystery and young adult fiction. I gave it a ⅘ rating.

This book focuses on the murder of a student named Simon Kelleher from Bayview High School. The dead student was the owner of a blog where every day he posted a secret about a new person in the school. One day, five students enter detention, but only four came out alive, everyone except Simon Kelleher. The main point of the story is finding who killed him.

I also particularly appreciated how each character's point of view was thoroughly described so that the spectator was included in the narrative. In my opinion, anyone who likes young adult novels and murder mysteries should read this book.  (Alexis. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5