Once Was a Time by Leila Sales

5 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.8/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.7/5

The book “Once was a time” by Leila Sales is a book that is about World War II around the 1940s. The main characters are Charlotte, also known as Lottie and Kitty, who are closest friends. The girls swear to stay together no matter what the future holds because they are inseparable. Charlotte’s dad was a scientist who discovered that time travel was actually real. The genre of this book includes a bit of adventure, history and science fiction, so if your interested in those genres, I recommend this book. This book was very enjoyable to read and was hard to put down.  (Hannah. Grade 8)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

“Once Was a Time” by Leila Sales is a historical and realistic science fiction book. Charlotte and her best friend Kitty live in England during WWII, Charlotte's dad is a scientist studying time travel. One day her dad goes missing, at first, Charlotte doesn't notice but when a strange lady knocks on her door and tells her to come to see her father in the lab Charlotte (and her friend Kitty) are about to find out the truth. Charlotte and Kitty are taken by (what they think) are German spies, and they find Charlotte's dad kidnapped as well. With the Germans threatening their lives Charlotte finds a way to escape leaving Kitty and her dad. Now she is all alone. I enjoyed reading this book, it got better as I kept reading. This book had good suspense and plot. I recommend this book to people who like semi-adventure and realistic fiction books.  (Amerie. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“Once Was a Time” by Leila Sales was book about time travel and there were two best friend called, Kitty and Lottie. I would recoment this book to 13-14 kids because for me the vocabbulary of this book is a bit hard. In my opinion this book is not that bad but for me this book is a bit borring because is a bit hard for me, but I still enjoy this book and the genre of this book adventure and probably fiction.  (Keelmoris. Grade 8)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

"Once Was A Time" by Leila Sales is a book that is based in the 1940s during World War II. This story follows the life of Lottie and her best friend Kitty. In this book, they end up getting captured by the government and used to blackmail Lottie's father, a scientist who studies time travel. Lottie has to make a choice that changes her life forever. Can she live with the guilt that this decision will bring her? What really happened to Kitty the night everything changed? I really liked this book. It fits in the genre of Science fiction. I would recommend it for ages 10 and up because it might be a bit hard for younger ages to read.  (Nina. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“Once Was a Time” by Leila Sales was a book full of excitement that I would really recommend. The story takes place in 1940 during World War II with two best friends, Kitty and Lottie. These two girls were obsessed with time travel as Lottie’s dad was a scientist who researched time travel. Lottie time travels seventy-three years later into the future and faces a journey into the unknown. This book had many exciting and unexpected plot twists that kept me hooked. I would recommend it to ages 7 and up and to people who enjoy the genres of sci-fi, adventure, and historical fiction. (Ellery. Grade 8)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5