Minecraft: The Island by Max Brooks

8 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.9/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.5/5

Minecraft: The Island" is an imaginative and captivating novel that brings the immensely popular game of Minecraft to life in a whole new way. Written by Max Brooks, The story follows the protagonist, who awakens on a deserted island with no memory of how they got there. As the character navigates through this strange and blocky world, they encounter a variety of challenges and creatures that push their survival skills to the limit. From fighting off hordes of zombies to befriending a talking sheep, every page is filled with unexpected surprises. (James G. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Minecraft: The Island written by Max Brooks introduces a story about the main character’s adventure in the Minecraft world. I suggest this book’s genre as an adventure book because this book’s story is about the main character travelling around the Minecraft world. In this book, the main character finds himself lost in the Minecraft world and he starts his adventure in the Minecraft world, he also develops weapons, armours, and tools with different materials. I rate this book as a very entertaining and interesting book since this book suggests an adventure in the background of an actual existing game. However, I feel like this book doesn’t have a single one of challenging vocabulary, I think this book belongs to a younger age group. Overall, I rate this book as the most entertaining and interesting book but there should be more vocabulary to fit into my age group.  (Siwoo. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The Author of the book the island is called max brooks.He is from the united kingdom.The vocabulary of the book was not challenging but he made some spelling mistakes.I ratted the book with 4 stars because their were quite many funny parts.There are also many boring parts at the begging but as i started reading the book more and more it became better and better.I would recommend to read this book because if you start reading it is actually a nice book. (Julian. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Minecraft: The Island by Max Brooks is a fantasy book because this book is where this teleports from real life into this block - like game. This book relates to many others I have read before for example, there is this book where a kid like in Minecraft: The Island teleports to this game and he learns how to do everything he builds houses he learns what the game is about he adapts to his secrets andthe best part is that at the end he has to kill a dragon at the last part of the game and collect it's egg therefore, you win! So, Minecraft: The Island by Max Brooks is just like that story but a little bit diffrent where we meets people and they build society and at the end they do the same thing! kill a dragon. (Juno. Grade 6)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

This book is called 'Minecraft: The Island' by Max Brooks. I think the main genre of this book is Adventure because the main character in the book goes on an adventure. This book is about when the main character gets stuck in the Minecraft dimension and is very confused. He has to figure out the ways of this world. He discovers zombies, he discovers the fact that you can eat raw beef, and eventually finds out how to survive. I think the grammar in this book is very easy and it wasn't that entertaining or me, personally but I recommend this book for 9+.   (Mandalay. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Minecraft; The Island by Max Brooks is an adventure fiction book set in the video game Minecraft. It is about a man who woke up at the bottom of the sea and swam up to a nearby island. Early in the story, he struggles to find food and shelter. Later on, he tries making friends with local cows, chickens and sheep. During his adventure on the island, he learns lessons from every mistake he makes and he makes sure he will never do it again. Some lessons he listed were: Fear can be conquered but Anxiety has to be endured, Just because they look like you, doesn’t mean their friends and just because they don’t look like you doesn’t automatically make them enemies. This book was alright, the beginning was a little slow but it got me hooked over time. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Minecraft and/or adventure novels. I would rate this book a 4 out of 5 with a vocabulary rating of 1 out of 5.  (Philippe. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

"Minecraft: The Island" by Max Brooks is an adventure book based on the video game "Minecraft". The story is about a man who went to the world of Minecraft for some reason and survived in that world. Because this book is based on a game, many unrealistic events are happening based on the game. In this world, he is the only human living and there was no one that he can communicate with. In this part, I thought that this book is similar to the books or movies that are based on surviving on an uninhabited island such as cast away. I liked this book because the main idea of the story was interesting.  (Youngmin. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Minecraft the Island is an excellent adventure story by Max Brooks. The book is about a newbie attempting to survive in the world of Minecraft without any training or knowledge. Sometimes it's very dramatic, For example, on page 178, the narrator gets attacked by a witch and says, "Nausea. Pain. Poison! Blood burning, lungs squeezing, I fumbled clumsily for my weapons." Every single thing in Minecraft is pointed out by the author perfectly, like that you can only grow wheat using six seeds. In the story, the author showed some things that they learned from Minecraft, they showed how many lessons, skills, experience, and stuff you can gain from Minecraft. Like the 6 P's (preparation, patience, plan, prioritize, practice, perseverance). The author listed 36 things they learned from Minecraft at the end of the book. I would recommend this book to people who play Minecraft since they will probably find this more relatable.  (Sean. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5