Lincoln's Grave Robbers by Steve Sheinkin

8 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.7/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  2.1/5

Lincoln's Grave Robbers by Steve Sheinkin is a true crime thriller. Steve Sheinkins thriller book is a fast paced and exciting chronicle of a post Civil-War story. This story is about how after a master counterfeiter Benjamin Boyd was arrested by the Secret Service in 1875, his partners come up with a plot to steal the body parts of Abraham Lincoln and ransom the remains for Benjamin Boyds release from prison with a large amount of cash added on. Patrick Tyrell, who is Chief Operative of the Chicago District of the Secret Service, is in charge to foil the mission. I enjoyed this book as is was very fast paced and kept me intrigued in the book for long periods of times and has a very interesting plot. The book contains some very fascinating characters which gets you to think about their perspective in the book. The things I didn't really enjoy about the book was that it was a more lower level book that was quite easy to read, and that made the vocabulary quite simple. Overall, this book had a very interesting plot and has some fascinating characters, but is quite a simple read that made it feel more of a children's book. (Vivan, Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book I read is called ‘’Lincoln’s Grave Robbers’’ By Steve Sheinkin. The genre of this book is non-fiction, This is clearly shown since this book is based on a real event. The book is about how a notorious counterfeiter (Boyd) is sent to prison, His friends come up with a plan to get Boyd out of prison. They plan to do this by stealing Abraham Lincoln’s body when this works they ask for a huge ransom and to get their friend out of prison. This book was very well-researched, exciting, and fast-paced. I Would recommend it to people who like fast-paced non-fiction books. (Tomek, Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Lincoln’s Grave Robbers by Steve Sheinkin is a crime thriller about a group of criminal counterfeiters who devised a plan to steal former American President Abraham Lincoln’s remains. The idea behind the scheme is to use the body as ransom to release one of their fellow master counterfeiters, Benjamin Boyd, from prison. I somewhat enjoyed this book as I thought it was interesting to read about the details of counterfeiting in America and the criminals’ plan on how they were going to steal the body of Abraham Lincoln. However, it was sort of confusing and hard to understand what was going on as there were many names listed. Overall, I would recommend this book to people who are good with keeping track of names and like historical crime thriller books which are not too challenging in terms of vocabulary.  (Seoyeon, Grade 8) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book I read is called “ Lincoln's grave robbers ”. It is a novel by Steve Sheinkin. The genre of this book is a true crime thriller and a bit of mystery. I gave it a ⅖ rating. And the difficulty of the words was ⅖.

The story I read is about a group of criminals that create a plan to steal President Abraham Lincoln's remains, and use the remains as a ransom for the release of one of their fellow crew members Benjamin Boyd after he got arrested by the Secret Service in 1875. If they returned the remains to the police, they would also receive a large sum of money ($200,000 which is worth approximately $5,089,000 today). In my opinion, this book isn't that good but if you like crime thrillers I think you should read it.  (Alexis, Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Lincoln's Grave Robbers by Steve Sheinkin is a true crime historical book. It goes over the events of the late 1870s when a group of counterfeiters came together to steal former American president Abraham Lincoln's grave. I really enjoyed this book as I was in a constant state of suspense for most of the book. I was always eager to see what events would take place on the next page. Along with that, it is a factual story with a lot of small interesting details like how counterfeiting works in America and things that make you more invested in what is happening. The story is also very well throughout and is easy to read and it is clear what is going on throughout what's happening. I enjoyed that I also learnt new vocabulary though not difficult it was still new. I would recommend this book to anyone who somewhat enjoys reading historical books, even if you don't it would still be a good read.   (Oliver, Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Lincoln’s Grave Robber by Steve Sheinkin is a compelling book that I read about the robbery of President Abraham Lincoln’s grave, set in the 1800s. In the 1800s, as the economy slowly failed, people started to make coney and a few who made a business out of it were named counterfeiters. When a counterfeiter was caught and sent behind the bars, his friends made a plot to get him out of there. They had made a plot to “stealing” Lincoln’s body and hide it until they make a deal with the police to get their friend out of jail. When detective Patrick D. Tyrrell found suspicions, he immediately sent a former counterfeiter to look and be part of their group. Will they actually steal Lincoln’s body? Is the detective going to capture them on time? This book is a great and exciting non-fiction book as it recalls the time of the 1800s robbery. The vocabulary wasn’t challenging except for some of the words I did not know. I recommend this book to people who are interested in history and robbery plots.  (Ahyun, Grade 8) 

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Steve Sheinkin’s Lincoln’s Grave Robbers is a great non-fiction book set in the 1800s that follows secret service agent Patrick Tyrell. Tyrell finds out about a group of criminals who plan on stealing Abraham Lincoln’s body and he has to stop them. I rated this book 4/5 as it was a very good book with a great story. The book sets you in the 1800s so not only was it telling the story of Lincon’s grave robbers, but you also get to learn about how life was back in the 1800s. I thought it to be mainly non-fiction due to the story being a true story about how people tried to steal the body, the book also has some events and references real events in the past so it makes sense to be non-fiction. The vocabulary was slightly harder than in other books so I rated it a 3/5. I highly recommend this book as it was fun to read and had a great story. (Ashton, Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Lincoln's Grave Robbers by Steve Sheinkin was a tremendous, fantastic and exciting book I read as my first reading book. This book is all about a plot made by a group of criminals whose aim is to steal Abraham Lincoln's body. In my opinion, the genre of this book is a thriller as there are some parts where you just get excited and scared about what is about to happen next. I rate this book a 4/5 as it was entertaining to read, has great details and plot and gave me some information about history and life back in history. This book was the first start of the book reading goal and I really enjoyed what this book turned out to be like. I would overall give the vocabulary reading a 3/5 as some paragraphs and sentences were easy for readers but also some had some difficulty in them. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy thrillers or excitement books as it made me want to continuously know what will happen next. This book is one of the best thriller books I have personally read and I would recommend reading this book one day. (Jackson, Grade 8) 

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5