How To Get Dumped by Pat Flynn

7 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.7/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

How to get dumped by pat flynn.

This is quite a short book and in my opinion, it fits best into the genre of comedy. It is about a boy who is dating a girl, this girl’s latest boyfriend threatens to make his life miserable if he were to break that girl’s heart. Once he is not interested in their relationship anymore, he attempts to get her to break up with him. That explains the name of the book.

This is a good book for someone above 10/11 because there are some mildly inappropriate moments, it is an entertaining book. And if you do not like long books this book is great for you. So I would definitely recommend this book to my peers, but not to someone much younger.(Emma. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book How to Get Dumped by Pat Flynn is a mixed genre type of book which is comedy and/or realistic fiction. This book is a short one to read, but the plot is pretty good and interesting and not to mention funny. Throughout the book you will get a sense of different opinions towards the characters, plot, etc. A good thing is the level of reading is pretty low so you don't have to be an advanced reader to read this book. Other things is that the book isn’t so hard to read and the text is really clear. I thought it was funny how the characters opinion changed throughout the book but at the same time, readers will find it stupid. In the book it tells you about how he has a girlfriend and now he is starting to like his best friend's sister. What?! Don't play around with girls. Even though his actions were not good, it still has a good story and the plot will do nothing more but keep you interested. Overall I would totally recommend this book to whoever likes stories like this and like short books. (Lilly. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

How to Get Dumped by Pat Flynn, Is a mix between nonfiction and comedy. This Book is short and easy to read. The main character in this book is Rossy who has the love of his life as a girlfriend. Ashleigh. Rossy is madly in love with this girl. But everything goes south when Ashleigh signs them up for lunchtime groups. Ashleigh's ex boyfriend Devo, who is a lunatic and threatens to break him in two if he ever hurts her. But Rossy has other problems and more and more are starting to come up…… I really liked this book and I would recommend this book if you want a light and silly read. (Cris. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The book 'How to Get Dumped' by Pat Flynn is a realistic fiction book about a boy called Tony Ross who is trying to break up with his current girlfriend, Ashleigh in order to be with another girl, Lacey. I think this book is pretty straight forward and simple for people to read and the plot isn't all that interesting. I do feel like it encapsulates classic middle school drama perfectly. I think this is a nice book for light reading but I feel like its a lot below my personal reading level and what I am capable of. I recommend this book for 9+ because there's a lot of kissing and things like that and some people just aren't mature enough to read it without having an unnecessary reaction. I think this book is fine, but I personally didn't enjoy it that much. (Mandalay. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

I think how to get dumped by Pat Flynn book had some funny parts and some romance. I think this book is really good because it had many different scenes and it had people dating. And in one of the scenes, he got a poem from his friend and he gave it to ash but then Ash. Then Ash knew he didn't write it so she got mad and dumped him then the rest of the day he was in a bad mood. He also regretted his decision a little and he wants to get back with ash. In the beginning, Ashley signed him up for book club so he did not like that but he really liked ash. After that, he tried to find out all the ways to make her brake up with him. (Kiran. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

The title of the book is How to get dumped by Pat Flynn and its a really funny book and I would recommend it to any one. The genre of the book would be comedy and realistic fiction but the book is about a boy who has a girl friend but wants to date his best friends sister. Which I think is a dumb choice because I think if I was his best fiend I would hate him for that and the friendship would be broken. I really enjoyed the book and the vocabulary was not that hard so it was nice to just read through it without to check what the different words mean I liked it 5 out of 5 and the vocabulary was 1 out of 5. (Melati. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

How to Get Dumped by Pat Flynn is a mix of realistic fiction and comedy. This book is short to read but it has a fun story plot. You can have different opinions than the character and other people. A good thing is the level of reading is pretty low so you don't have to be an advanced reader to read this book. I thought it was funny how his opinion changed throughout the book but I also find him stupid. He has a girlfriend and now he is starting to like his best friend's sister. Who does that? If you have a girlfriend stick with your girlfriend. Even though I thought he was very stupid in his choices, overall it was a good book and I would recommend it if you want a short but good book to read. (Elsa. Grade 7)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5