Divergent by Veronica Roth

9 Reviews

Overall Rating: 4.7/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.8/5

Divergent By Veronica Roth. For me it's an Adventure book and I really recommend this book if people want to read about Adventure and conflict. There are different Groups in this book Euridite, Abnegation, Dauntless, and Candor. All of them have different meanings like Dauntless is for bravery, and Euridite is more like the smart ones, Abnegation is more peaceful which is basically the same like Candor. This book had many conflicts in the middle and it's quite long to read this book so if you enjoy long stories I bet you’ll like this one. There are some places that I don't understand and some that are brutal too. (Dominic. Grade 6).

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book Divergent by Veronica Roth is a science fiction book. Divergent is about a girl named Beatrice. Beatrice is 16 years old and has to pick one out of five fractions. These fractions consist of five different characteristics, Candor (the honest), abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful, and Erudite (the intelligent). Beatrice will stay in this fraction for the rest of her life. She meets a lot of new people and comes a cross several conflicts. (Stefanie. Grade 6).

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book i am reviewing is called Divergent.The author is veronica Roth.The book is a science fiction book and is very long.I gave the book 5 stars.The reason is because it was very interesting and i always wanted to read more and more.I would really recommend to read this book.This book was my favourite book from the reading goal challenge books.The book has 487 pages.The book is quiet long but you can finish it very fast because i would say it is hard to take the hands of the book. (Julian. Grade 6).

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 3/5

Divergent by Veronica Roth is about a girl named Beatrice. Beatrice lives in a world that is divided into five factions. Amity (the peaceful), Candor (the honest), Erudite (the smart), Abnegation (the selflessness), and Dauntless (the fearless). When everybody turns sixteen they get to choose a faction they spend their life in. Beatrice grows up in Abnegation, one day at school she has to take a test to see which faction she fits in. Beatrice gets a very rare result that she can't tell anyone about. If you like Hunger Games, I highly recommend this book.  (Marta. Grade 6).

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Divergent by Veronica Roth is a book about a world that is divided by five factions. Each faction has a characteristic such as kindness (Amity), or fearless (Dauntless). The story beguines by Beatris that is on Abnegation. "Faction before blood.". It's a sentence that represented this world. Faction was important, even more than family. When Beatris got her faction test, she got the 'Divergent', that means a person that fits with every single faction. But she chose Dauntless. Faction before blood. If you lose a faction, you'll be factionless. If you have a faction, you should "be" in that faction. So, in my opinion on this book, that is a great book that shows dystopia that is made by the government. I also liked the concept of the story that is called 'Faction'. It's something like the house on Harry Potter, but it's more complicated. And the scale is also much bigger that houses. I'll like to recommend this book to people that like Sci-fi, or dystopian books. (Youngmin. Grade 7).

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Generally, it's hard for me to read books because I don't have motivation but Divergent was a different story. Divergent made the find the motivation deep down inside of me that I usually save for important schoolwork or passion projects. One day, I read about 500 pages in one sitting! The author did an excellent job at expressing emotions, feelings, and senses; it was easy to imagine what was going on in my mind. I love this book, I really recommend it to anyone who likes dystopia categories. The words in the book were very easy for me, but that's just me (I have a very high lexile) it might be more challenging for others. (Mandalay. Grade 7).

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Divergent, by Veronica Roth, is a whopping 487-page dystopian novel about a girl named Beatrice living in a post-apocalyptic Chicago. Within the ruined city, she lives with her family in a faction called Abnegation, one of four factions, all having a different set of virtues. Abnegation values selflessness above all else, but Beatrice had never really felt like she fit in. Then comes the day when she and all of. her fellow 16-year-olds are forced to choose which faction they will join. In the book, Veronica Roth artfully describes her actions, their benefits, and their consequences, all of which blend to create an action-packed book. I would recommend this book for 12 and up, mainly because of the frequent fighting and gory scenes. There are suicidal themes. Would recommend this for anyone who likes the genres Dystopian, Romance, and Action.  (Anna. Grade 7).

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

“Divergent” by Veronica Roth fits the genre of dystopian fiction. Divergent follows the story of Beatrice Prior, she is 16 and has a very big desicion to make. In her world there are five different sectors of humanity, divided by their beliefs. Beatrice has to choose one of the five factions. Her brother Caleb, is selfless which is a key trait of the Abnegation faction (which her family is from). She is not. She believes her family will stay in Abnegation forever, but she feels she does not belong there. Which faction will she choose? Will she follow her beliefs or her family’s? I REALLY Recommend this book, it’s super thick though, but if you’re up for the challenge you should read this book. I recommend Divergent to people who like romance, action, and dystopian. (Amerie, Grade 8).

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The title of the book I read was Divergent and the author was Veronica Roth. The genre was realistic fiction and the book was really well written. This book kept me on the hook until I had it done. It is very exciting and has a good word choice so you can picture everything in your mind. The book is a little violent and sad but it is mostly a happy story as well as an adrenaline rush. The book is about the main character named Tris, she chooses a faction by the choosing ceremony and then learns to adapt to it and how to fix the horrible problems she faces. (Enya. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5