Because of Winn by Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

8 Reviews

Overall Rating: 3.8/5

Overall Vocabulary Difficulty:  1.8/5

Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillofints is a book about a young girl named Opal who adopts a stray dog that is causing trouble in a supermarket. The manager was about to call the pound, but Opal decided to tell the manager that the dog's name is Winn Dixie and told the manager that this stray dog was her dog. Opal took Winn Dixie home and introduced her new dog to her father. Opal and Winn Dixie became very close friends and Opal would bring Winn Dixie, everywhere she went because Winn Dixie does not like to be alone. This book fits more into the genre of realistic fiction, so if you prefer action books I would not recommend this book to you, but if you are a dog lover or a person that likes fun, and calming books I would definitely recommend this book.  (Cilla. Grade 7)

Rating: 5/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Because Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo is a realistic fiction book, it's a story about a girl named Opal who adopts a stray dog that was causing chaos in a grocery store. After a while, they become great friends and meet new people in the area since Opal and her dad just moved there. In this book, there is no big action, so I thought this book was boring most of the time, but near the end, it started getting a little interesting when Winn Dixie ran away because the dog was afraid of thunderstorms. All in all, this book was boring in the beginning, but near the end, it got more exciting, so I would recommend it to people who don’t mind a slow start and are not big fans of action books with big adventures. (Melati. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillofints leans more into the genre of realistic fiction, The book is about this girl called Opal who was going grocery shopping at a shop called Winn-Dixie when a dog was causing a lot of trouble the manager was going to call the pound when she said it was her dog named Winn-Dixie and brings him home. Winn-Dixie and opal become good friends very quickly, they go everywhere together because he does not like to be alone. This book does not have a lot of conflicts there so if you like action books I would not recommend it but if you like calmer, simpler, and quicker to read I recommend this book. (Elsa. Grade 7)

Rating: 2/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

The author from the book because of winn diexie is kate Dicamillo.The book has 182 pages.It was very interesting to read because i never knew what is going to happen next.The book is about a dog and a small girl.The vocabulary was not very much chalenching . In this book i had to research only 5 words which is not really much.I would give the book 4 stars.The reason for giving the book 4 stars is because i really enjoyed the ending.  (Julian. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

In my opinion about the book because of winn dixie by kate DiCamillo is that it has very easy vocabulary words, I have not seen any words that I couldn't read, it was all simple words and I think this book is mainly for beginner readers, and people who are in about 4th -6th grades.

this book's genre is mostly about adventure, and mystery, I'd say there is only about 30 percent of mystery in this book. this book also has a lot of sad backstories about the characters. a short few-sentence summary about this book is about India opal who is the main character, and a dog called Winn dixie, india was a little girl when her mother abandoned her then she moved to Florida with her dad because he was a preacher. when she moved to Florida, she went grocery shopping where she met Winn dixie and asked her dad for permission to pet it. I could have written more about the summary but I would be spoiling too much. (Jiwan. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 5/5

Because of Winn Dixie was my favorite book so far because I like books that talk about animals. Winn Dixie was a stray dog one day India opal a girl went to the grocery store when she found the manager of the grocery store on the floor mad. She asked what was wrong and the manager said that there was a stray dog running around the store, when she saw him she thought the dog was ugly, then she heard the manager say that they will call animal control, but India felt bad for the dog so she said it was hers and that he went off the leash, so India called out Winn Dixie and the dog directly came so the manager said don’t ever bring your dog to the store again. When India arrived at her trailer her dad the preacher was waiting for her when the preacher saw Winn-dixie he was shocked and told India to clean him and when he was cleaned India was so happy, she was new to town so she didn’t have friends but one day she met Gloria Dump she was nice, they had fun together, one day she wanted to buy a collar for Winn- dixie but she couldn’t afford it so she asked the vender if she could work there and get the collar as a reward. They became close friends until one day India wanted to organize a party at Gloria dumps garden she said yes and they started organizing the party and she invited everyone. When the party just started a big thunderstorm arrived, and India was worried because Winn- dixie hated thunder storms, it started raining really hard everyone went inside but India couldn’t find Winn-dixie so she got worried she looked everywhere but couldn’t find him.  (Emma. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 2/5

The book "Because of Winn-Dixie" is a nice, small book about a dog who makes its way into a little girl's life. This book/novel was written by Kate DiCamillo to target mainly children between the age of 8-12 in my opinion. The genre of this book fits mostly into realistic fiction because the characters all seem realistic but it has small hints of fiction in it as well. A short summary of the book, its about a little girl who was abandoned by her mother and then moved to a small town in Florida with her dad due to his dad's preaching. She was lonely and missed her friends back home, but then one day she goes to a grocery store and finds a sweet dog and named it Winn-Dixie. And from that day on, Winn-Dixie and Opal go on adventures and makes new friends around town. In my opinion, this book is really easy to read but it is also short. I would recommend it to those who like short, fun, loving books. (Lilly. Grade 7)

Rating: 3/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5

Because of Winn-Dixie book is a adventureish book, however I wouldn't say it is a full adventure book. I would recommend this book especially for beginner readers. It is because it has easy words in it, short sentences, and the story plot is easy to understand.

The reason why I like this book is because I like reading about animals, and one of the main character is a dog, and this book is not a fantasy, instead it was very realistic, by that I mean events that can happen in our own lives.  (Nayul. Grade 6)

Rating: 4/5

Vocabulary Difficulty: 1/5