(Personal Transition Plan)

Kindra Sabado

PTP Coordinator

πŸ“ž 727-3148 πŸ“¨

Jill Sarchet

PTP Coordinator

πŸ“ž 727-3149 πŸ“¨

Lester Kunimitsu

Advanced Guidance Teacher

πŸ“ž 727-3169 πŸ“¨

Kimberly Tengan

Advanced Guidance Teacher

πŸ“ž 727-3266 πŸ“¨

Sherryl Hart

Advanced Guidance Teacher

πŸ“ž 727-3268 πŸ“¨

Update for seniors who haven't completed the PTP:

Letters will be going home shortly to parents/guardians of seniors who have not completed the Personal Transition Plan. Each student has been invited to join the PTP Google Classroom where they will be assigned any missing work. The work will be submitted through the Google Classroom and assessed by the PTP coordinator, Jill Sarchet. Once all the missing work has been successfully completed, students will be notified via email and the credit will be issued. Students may also contact their counselor for additional support. All questions and concerns should be directed to Jill Sarchet at the number above.

The Personal Transition Plan credit (0.5 credit) is a graduation requirement beginning with the class of 2010. The PTP will begin as students enter the 9th grade and the required credit will be given in the student's junior or senior year. The purpose of the Personal Transition Plan is to enhance student success when they graduate from high school and advance to post secondary education and/or career venues. Individual PTPs will help to identify available resources to students and include student self assessment and inquiries into career choices.

The Personal Transition Plan will be completed in the following courses: Transitions to High School (gr 9) and Advanced Guidance (gr 11).