Online Safety and Security

BCSD reserves the right to review any material stored and transmitted with school system technology or on school provided network resources. This monitoring is intended to determine whether specific uses of the network are appropriate.

Acceptable Actions:

  • Be courteous and respectful. Use appropriate language in any type of communication. No profane, abusive or impolite language will be used to communicate nor should materials be accessed that are not in line with the rules of Student Behavior Code.
  • If you encounter materials that violate the rules of appropriate use, disconnect immediately and notify a teacher/supervisor. Do not duplicate or forward inappropriate content.
  • Keep personal information such as logins, passwords, addresses, and phone numbers confidential. All employees and students must lock their computer when not in direct view of the workstation.
  • Use electronic services for educational purposes only.
  • Use acceptable Online Publishing guidelines as outlined in technology handbook.

Unacceptable Actions:

  • Do not use technology resources to harass or to harm other people and/or their work.
  • Do not digitally trespass in others’ drive, folders, work or files. If you find abandoned station logged in, log off and then log in with your own credentials.
  • Do not use technology resources in such a way that you would disrupt other users (sounds and/or excessive bandwidth usage, e.g., radio/audio streaming,video streaming).
  • Do not view, send, or display offensive messages, pictures, or other inappropriate content. If you encounter controversial material, do not forward or duplicate; notify a teacher or administrator.
  • Do not damage or deface any technology resources. This includes but is not limited to any malicious attempt to harm, modify, or destroy hardware as well as interfering with the network by installing software, shareware, or freeware, including the alteration of any controls designed to provide Internet safety or the alteration of BCSD’s default computer settings.
  • Do not pursue internal or external “hacking,” use anonymous email sites or proxies, access illegal file sharing networks, spread viruses, intentionally transmit spam or attempt to access inappropriate material.
  • Do not share your password with anyone or allow anyone access to your accounts. The user is accountable for any and all activity that occurs under his/her login.
  • Do not connect personal devices to the BCSD wired or wireless networks unless it is a guest or BYOT network. Moreover, students and teachers should not create hotspots with their personal devices.
  • Do not waste limited resources such as disk space or printing capacity. Schools may determine the staff and student print limitations.
  • Do not violate any copyright laws including but not limited to music, videos, curricula, and software. Do not install software or apps on a BCSD device without evidence of a valid license or permission.

Students Should Note:

  • All email communications from students need to be through BCSD-provided student accounts.
  • All electronic communications are not guaranteed to be private and are stored by BCSD.
  • Your teachers may watch everything you do on the computer via Lightspeed Relay and other tools and may look back at what you have done, even after you have left or logged off the computer.
  • Notify a teacher of any security problems on an BCSD device or network. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users.
  • If there is reasonable suspicion to believe that students have violated school policies, regulations, or guidelines, BCSD may examine students' devices brought on school property or on school-sponsored activities and search their contents.
  • Be courteous and respectful. Use appropriate language in all types of communication including email. Inappropriate behavior; such as using bad words, hurtful or impolite language, and/or inappropriate pictures will cause you to lose your technology privileges.
  • If you see something bad on the computer, turn off the screen and tell your teacher. Do not show any other students.

Do not play games or access social media. Remember you must be 13 to have accounts on most social media sites.

  • Do not damage any technology resources. Students will be held responsible for any intentional or negligent damage to school/district property.
  • Only teachers should make changes to a computer's settings.
  • Only print when and what your teacher has given you permission to print.
  • Cyberbullying is defined as any electronic communication that hurts someone’s feelings on purpose. If you feel that someone has said something hurtful to you on the computer, speak with a teacher or counselor.
  • Your password is confidential and should be protected. Logging on as someone you are not can be a crime under Georgia law. No one should log on to the network using another person’s ID. You are accountable for all actions taken under your login.