Have video conferences with up to 30 people, share screen, participants can even call in via telephone


With Loom, you can capture your screen, voice, and face and instantly share your video in less time than it would take to type an email. Did you know you remember 95% of a message when it's watched vs. only 10% of what you read? Try it.

Record a lesson on your computer screen with or without sound. This is very simple.

We will enable conference mode in the Blocksi Teacher dashboard with the following abilities:

- Teacher computer facing camera will be broadcasting to all students in the class on the bottom right corner

- Teacher audio will be broadcasted to all students in the class

- Teacher will be able to mute/unmute all students

- Teacher will be able unmute a specific student while the others are muted

- Teacher will be able to identify which student is speaking by looking at his/her thumbnail

All other teacher dashboard functions will be working as usual

Assessment mode will be renamed Lockdown

Special Education Software, Curriculum & Learning Tools- News-2-You

  • From this link:

1) Log into your account

2) Click on the Professional Development icon

3) Access the Preparing for Remote Learning Plan from the PD dashboard

Remote Learning Preparation Plan

This is a virtual learning using your n2y solutions to assist you in continuing to provide instruction with fidelity to your students soj they might continue to advance toward their goals.