Tuesday, August 8th from 5-7 PM
*First day of school is: Thursday, August 10th.
2022-23 School Year Teacher's Wish Lists
Brightwheel has arrived at BCA!
How do I join Brightwheel?
Follow these easy steps:
Create a free brightwheel account. When you receive an invitation via email or text, please create a free parent account using either the web or mobile app. Make sure to use the same email address or cell phone number that the invitation was sent to. Here is a quick video overview.
Confirm your child’s profile. You will see your child’s profile after you create an account - you can confirm information such as birthday, allergies, and additional contacts. If you do not see your child’s profile, please contact us with the email address or phone number you used to sign up. You will not see updates within brightwheel until we start to use it regularly.
Set your account preferences. You can adjust your notification preferences within your profile settings on the app.
Add your payment information. Brightwheel offers secure, automated online payments that saves time for us and gives you advanced tools and reporting. Please add your payment information. Here is an online Payments Setup Guide with more info.
See a video tutorial HERE!
See message below from ASEP Coordinator Mercedes Suttles
Interested in Morning care?
Morning care hours are M-F from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM.
There is a $31 charge for this service that you pay through Brightwheel.
To sign up for morning care, please email Ms. Vanessa Malave at vmalave@ucpcfl.org
Did you move over the summer?
Let us know by completing the 'Student Update Form'. Please return to gnieves@ucpcfl.org

Student Update Form
As we get ready for August it is important that we have information updated on our system . Please fill out the form attached on this email if the following has changed or needs to be changed:
Change of Residency (Address)- Please provide a copy of your new lease or deed
Change of Phone Number
Would like to add a new email or change it
**If all your information is the same, please disregard the email **
If you have changed any information above, please fill out the student update form and send it back to me so we can get your child's profile on Skyward. Also, please do not forget to create your Brightwheel account and update your child's profile .
If you have any questions or concerns, Please feel free to contact me.
Geneliz Nieves
Family Service Case Manager
UCP of Central Florida
Bailes Community Academy
4780 Data Court
Orlando, FL 32817
Our new school uniform company is called Ibiley Uniforms and More. You can place an order online when the store opens on July 11. Please make sure to select "shipping" or "deliver to campus" before finalizing your order.
Families: you can purchase a bundle of shirts (5) for $12.50 a shirt. They can select the colors of their choice.
Families can purchase individual shirts for the price of $12.50 per shirt.
The fee covers the cost of the polo, the decal or logo, and placing it on the shirt.
Please be aware that all orders placed by July 22nd will be shipped directly to your mailing address. You will choose this option during check out.
Keep in mind the store will be open year-round. There will no longer be any start or stop date.
School Uniform Policy:
All K-8 students are required wear a navy blue or hunter green UCP logo polo shirt Mon-Thur. You may also purchase a UCP iron on patch at the front office. Students may wear jeans (not ripped) or khaki/blue pants or shorts with close toed shoes. Students may only dress down and wear UCP/BCA t-shirts on Fridays. Friday’s are also considered “Freedom Friday” and students may dress down (as long as clothing is school appropriate).
UCP Logo Patches: We have patches available to “iron on” at the front desk. They are for sale at $2.00 each at the front desk only.
Middle School Electives
(6-8 Grade only)
- Please send your middle school electives choices to Ms. Cecilia Viruet, cviruet@ucpcfl.org, bweiss@ucpcfl.org and cbrowning@ucpcfl.org by Friday, July 29th.
- Class selections options are:
- Learning Strategies
- Music
- PE
- Computer Science
- Art
Lunch menu - Example-
*Lunch menus will be sent weekly via Brightweel messages.
*All students will get free lunch, but if they have dietary needs, they are encouraged to bring home lunch.
Order your 23-24 yearbook here!
School Hours, Arrival and Dismissal, Car Line Procedures:
Hours for the 23-24 School Year Will Remain The Same As They Were Last School Year For All Grade Levels K-8
During morning arrival/car line drop-off – all students must remain in their vehicle until a team member gives the "all clear".
School Instructional Hours:
K-8 8:30 am – 3:15 pm (Wednesday early dismissal 2:15 pm)
Before Care:
7:30 am – 8:00 am (Must be signed up for this paid service, space is limited. Cost is $31 per week. Payments are due via Brightwheel every Monday. For information contact Ms. Vanessa Malave at VMalave@ucpcfl.org)
Car Line (Arrival & Dismissal) Procedures:
Arrival K-8: Vehicles may start lining up at 7:45 am for an 8:00 am drop-off.
Morning Drop-off K-8 begins at 8:00 am and ends at 8:30 am. Parents should remain in their vehicles. Staff will give a signal for students to exit vehicles when ready (except for lane 1- see “Car Lanes” below for more info). This is a very systematic process where students are dropped off in groups/waves as vehicles arrive. Car line will close at precisely 8:31 am
8:00-8:30 am Students are allowed to eat free breakfast in the cafeteria and report to their homerooms at 8:30 AM.
Instruction begins promptly at 8:30 am for all grade levels K-8.
Late Arrivals K-8: Students who arrive after 8:31 am will be considered tardy. Starting at 8:31, parents must park and sign their child(ren) in at the front office (no exceptions). We will provide flexibility with this during the first two weeks of school as everyone gets acclimated with procedures.
Dismissal K-8: Parents may begin lining up in the car line for dismissal at 2:45 pm (1:45 on Wed.) not before. All students will be dismissed at 3:20 pm (2:20 pm on Wed.) via car line. This is a very systematic process where we dismiss students in groups/waves as vehicles arrive on campus. Parents remain in their vehicles and teachers/staff assist students getting into their vehicles (except for lane 1 - see “Car Lanes” below for more info).
Car line closes promptly at 3:45 (2:45 Wed.). Students who are not picked up at this time will be brought to the front office and a fee of $1.00 per min. will apply for late pick-ups starting at 3:46 pm (unless of course the student is enrolled in Aftercare or 21st Century).
Car Tags will be available for parents to pick-up from 8/1-8/9 from 9:00-4:30 each day at the front office. Car tags must be picked up within this date range so that you have it ready for pick up starting 8/10 Students who will be at home . Please bring your ID to receive a car tag. You must have your child’s name written on your car tag to be authorized to pick them up.
Car Lanes – Lane 1 (closest to building) is for students who may have mobility challenges, wheelchairs/walkers etc. Lane 1 vehicles will receive a “blue” car tag at Meet the Teacher (bring your ID please to get a car line tag). Lane 2 (middle lane) and Lane 3 (furthest from building) are for all other students regardless of grade level.
*PLEASE STAY INSIDE YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN CAR LINE (exception for Lane 1 students – parents should assist their children getting in and out of vehicles with mobility challenges)
Early Dismissal/Early Pick-Ups – Students may not be picked up from school after 2:45 (1:45 on Wed.). Between 2:45-3:15 (Wed. 1:45-2:15) our teachers are preparing for the end of the day and closing out the day. Early pick-ups cause a disruption to this process. While we understand emergencies happen, this cannot take place on regular occasions. Please plan doctors and other appointments according to our dismissal times noted above.
After Care will be from 3:15 pm – 5:30 pm – Monday-Friday To sign up for After Care with ASEP email vmalave@ucpcfl.org.
21st Century After School Program will begin at 3:15 pm – 5:45 pm Monday-Thursday (parents must have been accepted into this program, space is limited. For more information contact RSkaggs@ucpcfl.org). Since 21st Century is Mon-Thurs we will also offer a Friday after care option for a small fee (contact Ms. Vanessa Malave with questions at VMalave@ucpcfl.org).
**Severe Weather Dismissal:
In the event of any severe weather, the school will contact all parents to notify them of any changes that might occur during dismissal time. Please pay close attention to your email and follow us on Facebook for updates.
Lunch/Recess Schedules:
K-1 Lunch: 11:30-12:00
K-1 Recess: 11:00-11:30
2-3 Lunch/Recess: 12:30-1:15
4-5 Lunch/Recess: 11:00-11:30
6-8 Lunch/Recess: 1:10-1:40
**For the coming school year, breakfast and lunch is free for all students at the BCA campus. Parents are encouraged to send home lunch for any particular student's dietary needs.
***Due to COVID-19 Parents/Families will not be able to eat lunch with students until further notice.
Specials/Elective Schedule:
K-1 Specials: 12:00 – 12:45
2-3 Specials: 1:15– 2:00
4-5 Grade: 2:15 - 3:00
6-8 Electives: 8:30 - 9:10
Please communicate with your child’s teacher about planning this special event.
All school volunteers must have an active OCPS ADDitions account and must be cleared thought the Orange County security clearance check. When volunteering at school or a field trip, you will present a valid photo ID and we will verify your security clearance status, before signing up to volunteer at any school event. For more information you can go to www.ocps.samaritan.com
This system shuts down for new account during the summer, but it will be up on August 1, 2022.
It is our company policy that all prescription medication must be administered by a trained school staff member after we receive the following:
· Medication Authorization form signed by the parents or legal guardian. (This form is provided by the school)
· Medication Drop-off form signed by the parent or legal guardian (This form is provided by the school).
· Doctor’s prescription with amount, dosage and frequency. The medication must match the prescription. (This can be dropped off or faxed over to our school office.)
· Medication must be NEW SEALED bottle handled by the pharmacy.
For questions about medication please e-mail our school Health Assistant Felicia Santiago at fsantiago@ucpcfl.org or Janice Harland at jharland@ucpcfl.org.
UCP BCA 2022-23 School Calendar
2023-2024 School Year Dates at a Glance:
08/08 - Meet the Teacher Time: 5-7 PM
08/10 - First Day of School
09/04 - Labor Day
10/16 - Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday
10/26 - Fall Festival/Trunk N' Treat
10/27 - Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday
11/20-24 - Thanksgiving Break-School Closed.
12/15 - Santa's Workshop
12/21 - Last day of school for the 1st semester
01/09 - First Day of school for the 2nd semester
01/15 - Martin Luther King Day/School Closed
02/19 - President's Day Holiday/School Closed
03/15- Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday
03/18-22 - Spring Break
05/24 - Last Day of School
Learn more about our 'Inclusion Model' by watching this short video.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Unlocking Children's Potential
ucpcfl.org | News | Contact | Careers
UCP Charter Schools aim to unlock the potential of every student in our Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School, and High School programs through immersive education and STEAM-based curriculum.
UCP Charter schools are operated by UCP of Central Florida. UCP of Central Florida is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to enriching the lives of children of all abilities in Central Florida. We are an affiliate member of the national UCP organization that is independently owned and operated.
Identification Number: 59-0799925
ORLANDO, FL, 32817,
(407) 852 3300
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