Media Examples

This page displays examples of creative use of media to reach out to the public about the centenary and its meaning. To suggest an item, please send to the Bahá’í National Office a very brief description, along with an image or a link. Examples of online and traditional media items are both welcome.

Luke Slott introduces his series of short videos sharing stories, anecdotes, memories and pen-portraits from the life of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
An article published 16 October in the Hawkes Bay Today newspaper by the Napier Bahá'ícommunity in honour of the centenary.Click to open full image.
A second article published in the Hawkes Bay Today newspaper by the Napier Bahá'í community in honour of the centenary (6 November).Click to open full image.

More to come

Below: Notice submitted to the Religious History Association of Aotearoa Newsletter and published in its September 2021 issue. To open the note in a separate window, click: note for Religious History Newsletter.

Centenary note for Religious History Newsletter.pdf