8:00-8:30 Breakfast

Breakfast will take place in the classroom as students arrive.

8:30-9:00 Morning Tasks + Meeting

This is a time where students will work independently as others finish up their breakfast. Once breakfast is through, we will connect as a class to discuss our positive action curriculum.

9:00-10:05 ELA

ELA, is our English Language Arts time (Reading). Being that our day is broken up between several breaks, this will be our first section of reading while having a second section later in the afternoon. During this time students will be focusing on Greek & Latin roots.

10:05-10:55 Art

Students will have Art during this time.

10:55-12:00 Math

During our math block, students will have instruction with notes, a worksheet, at times an assessment on our 5th grade standards and will also use IXL to reinforce mathematics skills.

12:00-12:45 Science/Social Studies

Science and social studies will be rotated throughout the school year. We will begin the year with science and incorporate social studies during different points of the year.

12:45-1:15 Lunch

After hand washing, students will have lunch in the cafeteria.

1:15-1:30 Silent Reading

Independent reading time - During this time students will have access to my student library as well as a digital library through Epic.

1:30-2:05 ELA - Novel Study

This block is an extension from our morning ELA time. We will dedicate this time to our novel studies and literacy elements.

2:05-2:20 Recess

Recess will take place outside - weather permitting

2:20-2:40 Pack Up

During this time students will be reflecting on their day, writing in the agendas, and preparing for dismissal.