
Christopher Langan, the man with 200 IQ, considered by many to be the world's smartest man.

Believes in God.

I'm going to make a prediction. Y'all know how corrupt our government is if you don't you're not on this planet. Y'all know about the lousy educational system in the ignorance of the American people.(American Sheeples) Y'all know about the filth and the greed in the corruption in our churches. And the filth and the greed from the pastors. The filth and the greed from the corporations. The mass of heroin addiction on the American people. How corrupt our media is. The mass ignorant destruction of our planet Earth. The infiltration of the Deep State into our government. The filth and the greed from the elite. (The Rothschild’s)

Okay now for my prediction. I predict the United States and even the World is going to have a religious revival awakening. Not from no bible thump-er or another Martin Luther King or another Billy Graham. It's going to be from who you least expect a religious revival awakening to come from. It's going to come from Scientists. I know y'all think Scientist is a hardcore atheist and they are. But the scientists are going to make a discovery and unequivocally discovery that there is a creator. God. How pray tell is the scientist going to do this. Through the Fibonacci sequence and our DNA. One thing about scientist they will admit when they've made a mistake and they will correct it.

The scientists already have this information. But they know what a huge impact this would have on the world for them to come out with a statement right now without sciencing the hell out of this discovery. so when you see and hear scientists admitting they have faith in God you'll know something is up.