Health Career Presentations

Monday, Feb. 7



Maryanne Hicks, BSN, MSN/NSG & Health Ed., RN, CLNC, DNP-L,

Dean of Nursing & Allied Health Services at Los Medanos College

Tuesday, Feb. 8

Doctor/Physician Assistant


Dr. Todd Hayano, Doctor of Osteopathy, Sports Medicine, Kaiser

Dr. Ruka Umeh, Anesthesiologist, Stanford (Recorded post ZOOM)

Amanda Dunn and Timothy Ulleseit, Physician Assistant

Links to UCSF related programs:

Wednesday, Feb. 9

Allied Health Focus:


Angela Su, R.Ph

Professor/Program Director of the #1 Pharmacy Technology Program in the US will describe careers in Pharmacy

Foothill College

Angel-Max Guerrero UCSF Anchor Initiative

Thursday, Feb. 10

Allied Health Focus (Con't)


Cara Miyasaki, RDH, Professor and Program Director (Foothill College) of the first

Dental Assisting Apprenticeship in California

Erin-Ashley Madriaga, President of the Physical Therapist Assistant Class of 2022 will talk about her path to Physical Therapy Assistant Program at Ohlone College.