STEAM 10 is a supplementary science course that provides inquiry-based projects to enhance skills in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. Course content is designed to enhance the student’s understanding of Biology, Earth Science, and Environmental Sciences. This full-year course meets every other day.

  • Course content is arranged into modules that culminate into small, collaborative, research-based engineering projects.
  • Google classroom is used to organize student work and assignments, improve technology skills, and allow collaboration between teachers/students/sections.
  • Students participate in local citizen science projects to connect with professionals in the field and the community.
  • Modules emphasize hands-on skills that will prepare students for careers in STEAM fields.

Contact Information

Miss Sabia

You can reach me at my school email:

I will generally respond within 24 hours. Please note, if you send an email after school hours, you may not receive a response until the following morning. I would recommend starting assignments early to allow yourself ample time to ask any questions. Please also keep in mind proper email etiquette - be professional, and use proper grammar.