Babson Analytics Club

Club's Mission and Objectives:

Our mission is to advance the education, careers, and community of Babson students interested in data, analytics, and machine learning, across industries and functions.

-Provide students with real world experiences in analytics through events like the Hackathon

-Driving the importance of exposure to Analytics while pursuing a business degree

-Provide students with the skill set necessary to get a job in Analytics through our skill-based Workshops.

-Networking opportunities 

Club Leaders:

Suchet Sawhney, 

Kanak Kulkarni, 

Interested in joining our Leadership team and/or our Mailing List?  Please feel free to reach out to us directly via email.  GO Analytics!

Club Events:

Advanced Excel Workshop

Tableau Workshop

Alteryx Workshop

SQL Workshop

Babson Hackathon (Flagship Event - event with highest participation at Babson College)

R workshop