Plan your future

Preparing for college can be stressful. Just the though of all the things a you have to do to prepare for college may have you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Well never fear, the College and Career Center has partnered with the AVID program to create a college planning guide filled with resources to make the transition process less stressful. We know there are tons of little things students must do to transition to college. We also know far too few student are aware of what those things are or wish they had learned what to do earlier. The purpose of this guide is to organize and consolidate the process into one location for our students.

This guide is structured by grade level and is broken down by semester and summer actions students must or are highly recommended to accomplish throughout their college-bound journey. Topics like high school courses, A-G requirements, entrance exams, financial aid, and the college application have been addressed.

We hope students will not have to face this journey alone. The college-bound journey is more than a student process, it is a family affair. The College and Career Center and the AVID program is not just a student resource it is here for parents as well. We hope our students and parents alike find this guide useful for college preparation. We are delighted when the end of the journey finds our students accepted into the college of their choice.

Links to College Applications