Robles Elementary All-Star Employee of the Month 

Marie Pena, Special Needs Paraprofessional

Marie demonstrated remarkable dedication and contributions to Altar Valley School District over the course of 25 years, that is truly commendable. Her journey began at Mary E. Dill Elementary School, where she first joined the AVSD team, working in the cafeteria. Since then, Marie's roles have evolved, showcasing her versatility and commitment to the educational community.

Her tenure included serving as a front office secretary and District Office secretary, where her organizational skills and welcoming demeanor undoubtedly made a positive impact on both students and staff.

Later she transitioned to the role of a Special Needs Para, reflecting her compassion and ability to connect with students, helping them thrive under her nurturing approach. The children under her care not only benefit from her expertise but also flourish due to the warmth and understanding she brings to her role. Marie's unwavering commitment to helping children is evident in her willingness to go above and beyond. Her genuine care for the well-being and growth of students is an invaluable asset to both schools and the district as a whole.

It's clear that Marie's dedication has left an indelible mark on the school and the district. Her commitment, expertise, and caring approach have undoubtedly shaped the educational experience of countless students. Marie's presence enriches the lives of everyone she encounters, and her contributions are a testament to the heart she puts into her work. The school and district are incredibly fortunate to have someone as dedicated and impactful as Marie, which is why she has been named the Robles All Star of the Month! Congratulations Marie!

Robles Elementary All-Star Student of the Month 

Daniel B., 3rd Grade

Daniel B. Robles has been selected as the Student of the Month for his outstanding qualities and contributions to our school community. He exemplifies the core values of Responsibility, Open-mindedness, Accountability, and Respect (R.O.A.R), setting a remarkable example for his peers.

Daniel consistently demonstrates responsibility in all aspects of his academic and extracurricular pursuits. He takes his studies seriously and actively participates in class discussions. He is also quick to volunteer to help others, showing his commitment to making a positive impact.

Open-mindedness is another attribute that sets Daniel apart. He approaches new challenges with curiosity and a willingness to learn. He actively engages with all of his classmates, fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment within the school.

Accountability is a fundamental quality that Daniel embodies. He takes ownership of his actions and decisions, acknowledging both his successes and areas for improvement. His accountability not only benefits his personal growth but also encourages others to follow suit.

Respect is a cornerstone of Daniel's interactions with both peers and teachers. He treats everyone with kindness and consideration, regardless of differences. His respectful demeanor creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation within the school community.

Daniel B. Robles stands as a shining example of what it means to R.O.A.R. His responsible, open-minded, accountable, and respectful nature enriches our school environment and inspires those around him. We are proud to recognize Daniel as the Student of the Month and look forward to witnessing his continued positive influence. Congratulations, Daniel!

Altar Valley Middle School All-Star Employee of the Month 

Carolyn Bauerelen, 8th Grade Math Teacher

If you ask our Staff of the Month what she’s most passionate about, she would say her grandbabies… but we know that’s not the only thing she’s passionate about. Mrs. Baurelen has a passion for her students' success. We appreciate her taking on new roles this year with gumption and grace. She is leading a new initiative at AVMS being the AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) and the school’s TAT process. 

As a colleague, Carolyn is a great asset because she fosters an environment of cooperation and collaboration. She is focused on creating a positive atmosphere and helping others succeed, and as a result, creates a more productive and successful workplace. She has been an example of leadership, showing her passion for the job and inspiring others to do the same. She has also been a mentor to many, helping them to develop their skills and abilities. Her efforts have been instrumental in creating an environment of success and achievement.

They say “Deep water runs quiet” and this holds true with Mrs. Baurelen. She may be on the reserved and reflective side of the group, but her strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and the ability to work well under pressure has made her stand out. Yes, she can often be found moving in silence and avoiding the spotlight but that doesn’t stop us from seeing her valuable work and contribution to help us move forward! Way to go Mrs. Baurelen!

Altar Valley Middle School All-Star Student of the Month 

Scarlet J., 8th Grade

Building perseverance and determination is what our AVMS student has and continues to show as an outstanding SOARing Eagle.  Scarlet Jensen has shown growth in her 4 years at AVMS.  She is choosing to ‘put herself out there’, take some chances and really get involved in the goings on around campus.  Scarlet is thoughtful, insightful, and not afraid to share her opinions.  

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