Message from Principal

Shelly Camp

Altar Valley Middle School is Ready to SOAR!

Altar Valley Middle School (AVMS) is off to an exceptional start for the 2023-2024 academic year, with a host of exciting initiatives and a dedicated team of certified teachers ready to guide students toward success.

The halls of AVMS buzz with enthusiasm. Our commitment to quality education ensures that students will receive the best possible instruction across various subjects, setting the stage for a year of growth and achievement.

Sports enthusiasts rejoiced as the school's football and volleyball teams hit the ground running, beginning practice on August 14, 2023. These early practices underscore the dedication of the athletes and coaches as they prepare to represent AVMS on the field and court.

Further enriching the student experience, the eagerly anticipated 21st Century after-school program commenced on the same day. This program promises to provide students with a range of engaging activities and learning opportunities, contributing to their holistic development beyond regular school hours.

One of the highlights of this academic year is the introduction of two new programs aimed at enhancing student success and well-being. The first, "Kids at Hope," embodies the school's firm belief that every student has the potential to succeed, without exception. This empowering philosophy creates a positive and nurturing environment that fosters resilience, confidence, and a growth mindset among all students.

Additionally, the school is excited to implement the AVID program, designed to bolster college and career readiness. AVID's comprehensive approach focuses on refining the critical skills necessary for success: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading (WICOR). Through AVID, students will gain valuable tools to excel academically and beyond, setting the stage for a bright future.

Our dedicated teachers are the heart of our school, and are thrilled to embark on this journey toward excellence with such a dynamic team. These new initiatives reflect our unwavering commitment to nurturing well-rounded, accomplished individuals.

With a tremendous sense of anticipation in the air we are determined to make this academic year a transformative one. The entire school community is eagerly looking forward to the opportunities, achievements, and growth that lie ahead, as we strive to achieve our goal of becoming an "A" school.

I look forward to another amazing year as the principal at AVMS!

Shelly Camp

Altar Valley Middle School


Please help us in welcoming our new Altar Valley Middle School staff members!

Rica Mae Arzaga, 7th Grade Language Arts

Tochi Cotejo, 8th Grade Language Arts

Chona Gambong, Physcial Education

Susan Rose, Paxton Patterson Lab

Gloria Vasquez, SEAS Program, 6-8 Grade Exceptional Student Education

Jonathan Hubbel, Paraprofessional