Message from Principal

Dustie Gunn-Ader, MAEd; MBA

Dear Robles Elementary School Families,

I hope this letter finds you well. As we enter quarter two, I would like to share some important updates and information with you, as we start the second quarter heading to the end of the first semester.

Raising Expectations Plan:
Reminder that we have implemented a "Raising Expectations" plan, aimed at elevating the academic success and overall experience of our students at Robles Elementary. This plan centers around increased engagement, stronger attendance, and greater student achievement. We will be reviewing the attendance requirement this quarter and reaching out to parents.

Attendance Requirement:
One of the key components of our "Raising Expectations" plan is the focus on attendance. Students who accumulate 10 or more absences will be assigned required tutoring hours. We firmly believe that regular attendance is essential for academic growth, and this measure is designed to ensure that students have every opportunity to succeed.

Math and ELA Benchmarks:
In December, students will have another opportunity to complete Math and English Language Arts (ELA) benchmarks. These benchmarks are essential tools that help us assess students' progress and identify areas where additional support may be needed. We encourage all students to approach these assessments with enthusiasm and a growth mindset.

Supporting Your Student:
Your active involvement in your child's education plays a vital role in their success. You can continue to support your student by regularly reading with them at home. Reading together fosters a love for learning and enhances their literacy skills.

Math Skills Practice:
Additionally, you can help your child practice their math skills at home. Depending on their grade level, students can work on specific math operations:

Your involvement in your child's education is truly appreciated, and together, we can help them achieve their fullest potential.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated staff members at Robles Elementary School. We are here to support you and your child throughout their educational journey. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Together, we can ensure a successful Quarter 2 for our students.


Dustie Gunn-Ader

Dustie Gunn-Ader, MAED; MBA
Robles Elementary School

1st Grade Team

Mrs. Noel Dowell, Mrs. Marisa Soto,

and Ms. Freya Mae Sun


First grade is off to a successful start. Students and teachers are working hard to implement our new math curriculum. Students are enjoying the math centers that help them explore and elevate that week's math lesson.

Science and social studies have opened a new sense of wonder. In science we have learned about animals and their different habitats along with how they camouflage into them. Students had fun camouflaging their moths into our classroom habitat. Next, we will be investigating pumpkins and plant life cycles. In Social studies we have learned about different community members such as firefighters, police officers and more. Showing students how to be a good community member and why rules are so important.


In Reading students strive to reach a new monthly goal in order to reach our end of year goal of 47 words per minute. Using Acadience Testing data and progress monitoring, we are able to target each student’s learning needs to help them reach their full potential.