
Welcome to Avon Early Childhood PTA! We're glad you joined and are excited for you to take advantage of all we have to offer.  First, join our private Facebook group to keep up to date on all the group happenings! (request to join here)

As you can see in our upcoming events, we have been busy planning to bring our members some amazing events. We hope you can join us for one or all of these fun activities! These events do require a lot of work. Please consider helping with set up, cleanup, or working the event. 5 volunteer hours are required as part of our charter with the Ohio PTA. These hours can be accumulated by helping with events, donating an item to our monthly raffle or an event such as the Fall or Spring parties, or signing up for a meal train. If you have any questions about your volunteer hours or what qualifies please email our recording secretary

We want you to know we all understand how rewarding and sometimes overwhelming joining a new organization can be especially if you don't know anyone yet! We want you to feel welcome and we want your first experience with our group to only be a rewarding one. So if you ever feel unsure of something or have questions, please email, or any member of the board.