How To Help Your Child Become a Better Reader!

Read More!

Ask Questions Before Reading!

Ask Questions While Reading!

Make Predictions!

Point to the Word!

Make Connections to Your Own Lives!

Make Connections to Other Books!

Visualize and Create Sensory Images

Reflect on the Book!

For More Details on Each of these activities

For Literal, Evaluative and Inferential Question Prompts


What Is Family/Parent Involvement?

Title 1 defines parent involvement as the ...participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communications with school staff that involves the student, addresses learning and engages the family in school activities.

Why Does Family/Parent Involvement Matter?

Research tells us that students with involved parents, are more likely to:Earn high grades and test scores,Take more challenging classes,Have better attendance,Graduate AND Go on to community/technical college or university.

How can I get involved?

Parents, you can influence the success of your student in school more than any teacher or federal program. By becoming an active participant in the Title I parent involvement plan at your school, you will:

Serve as a role model, showing your student that you support his/her education.
Assure that you are aware of your student’s educational progress; thereby demonstrating how important that progress is to you.
Teach your student that your input at the school is appreciated and that you support its efforts.

What does research tell us?

Research shows that how well students do in school depends a great deal upon how much their parents get involved in their education. You can become more involved by:

Reading with your child and talking about the books and stories you read
Helping your child with homework assignments
Tutoring your child with materials and instructions provided by teachers or resources found on-line
Attending parent-teacher conferences
Communicating with your student’s teacher
Continuing to be involved as your child is in middle and high school
Being an advocate for your child to make sure that his/her needs are being met