Grade 4



🖱 Click an Hour of Code activity below and play with code to learn!

The 'Hour of Code™' is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.

ready to level up IN CODING?  Can you code AND crack the code?

Tech Time

Each week, spend 15 minutes on each activity below (1-3) to learn and grow your fourth-grade technology skills!

1. Click Typing Agent in Clever and click "Keyboarding Foundations 3+" to grow typing skills for 15 minutes.

2. Click another app in Clever (Epic!, Sora, or a math app) to either read or practice math skills for 15 minutes.

3. Click Learning Games and choose an activity for 15 minutes.


🖱 If you need to catch up on a previous month's lesson, click the month below to begin!

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